Figurative Language
Multiple Meaning Words
Context Clues
It took the mule a million years to finish resting and to start working.
What is a hyperbole?
What is the meaning of "ruler" in the following sentence? A new ruler was elected by the people to govern their country.
Person who is in charge.
Time flies when I am playing video games.
Idiom; time cannot actually fly.
To what sense do the following lines of poetry appeal? Now droops the milk-white peacock like a ghost, And like a ghost she glimmers on to me.
What is the meaning of the word record in the sentence below? Andrea set a new record by running the race at the fastest speed.
A goal that will never be reached.
Dad says that I’m a mule.
What is a metaphor?
What is the meaning of "high volume of traffic" in the following sentence? There was a high volume of traffic on the highway.
a large mass or quantity.
The drifts of snow were white icing on the hillside.
Not an Idiom; Metaphor (drifts of snow is being compared to white icing).
To which sense does the language in this sentence appeal?The hiss and crackle from the fire woke the boys.
What does the word mental mean in the sentence below?Caleb had a mental picture of himself giving his speech.
Dad says that I’m a mule.
What is a metaphor?
What is the meaning of "sign" in the following sentence? My friends gave me a thumbs up sign after I completed the race.
a notice or signal.
The baby's hair looked like dandelion fluff.
Not an idiom; Simile (comparing baby's hair to dandelion fluff).
1. Identify the words the poet used to create an image in your mind. 2. Decide what sense(s) the words appeal to. The way a crow Shook down on me The dust of snow From a hemlock tree
crow, shook, dust of snow, hemlock tree - sight shook - sound dust of snow - touch
Fire and Ice by: Robert Frost Some say the world will end in fire, Some say in ice. From what I've tasted of desire I hold with those who favor fire. But if it had to perish twice, I think I know enough of hate To say that for destruction ice Is also great And would suffice What is the meaning of perish in line 5, based on the context clues in the poem?
The mule argued with the farmer. It was such a nice day that she didn’t want to work so she sat down in the road.
What is personification?
What is the meaning of "stage" in the following sentence? The first stage of the experiment was completed with success.
one of a series.
Vicki gave Matt the cold shoulder.
She wouldn't speak to him.
1. Identify the words the poet used to create an image in your mind. 2. Decide what sense(s) the words appeal to. Those shriveled seeds we plant, corn kernel, dried bean, poke into loosened soil, cover over with measured fingertips
shriveled seeds, corn kernel, dried bean, loosened soil - sight
What is the meaning of consent in the following sentence? Students are allowed to go to the museum as long as they bring in a parent's written consent.
The breeze sang softly through the trees.
What is personification?
What is the meaning of "spring" in the following sentence? Most of us were tired, except for one energetic group member who wanted to spring ahead to the pond.
to move forward suddenly or quickly.
How could the following idiom be restated?
When her team won the hockey championship, Reena was on top of the world.
1. Identify the words the poet used to create an image in your mind. 2. Decide what sense(s) the words appeal to. This page I type and retype This table I dust till the scarred wood shines This bundle of clothes I wash and hang and wash again like flags we share, a country so close no one needs to name it
dust, type, wash and hang - touch scarred woods shine, page, bundle of clothes - sight
What is the meaning of "inject" in the following sentence? He injected a weakened form of the disease into their bodies.
to put something into a person's body using a needle.