What is the main motivation for Red prospects?
Success, recognition, and achieving goals.
What is the primary motivator for Blue prospects?
Fun, social interaction, and excitement.
What is the main motivation for Green prospects?
Knowledge, facts, and thorough understanding.
What is the primary motivator for Yellow prospects?
Helping others, making a positive difference, and being part of a supportive community.
What is one key difference between prospecting a Red and a Yellow personality?
Reds are motivated by achievement and leadership, while Yellows are driven by helping others and collaboration.
What is the best approach to take when presenting the opportunity to a Red personality?
Focus on leadership opportunities, income potential, and competition.
What’s the best way to prospect a Blue personality?
Highlight the social aspects of the business, events, travel opportunities, and fun rewards.
How should you prospect a Green personality?
Provide detailed information, data, and facts about the business and how it works.
How should you approach a Yellow personality when prospecting?
Emphasize the community aspect, how the business helps others, and the positive impact they can make.
How would you pitch the same business opportunity differently to a Blue personality vs. a Green personality?
Blues want excitement and social engagement, while Greens need facts and detailed information.
What type of questions would get a Red prospect interested?
Would you like to be the top earner in our company?" or "Do you enjoy leading a team to success?
What phrase would catch a Blue prospect’s attention?
This opportunity lets you travel, meet new people, and have fun while making money!"
What is a key question you should ask a Green prospect?
Would you like to review some data on how successful this business has been for others?"
What would appeal most to a Yellow prospect?
This opportunity allows you to help people, work together as a team, and make a difference.
What is the best follow-up strategy for a Red prospect compared to a Green prospect?
For Reds, remind them of the competitive edge and leadership potential; for Greens, provide more data and thorough explanations.
How do you follow up with a Red prospect to keep them interested?
Emphasize challenges, goals, and any leadership roles they can pursue.
What is one thing to mention in your follow-up with a Blue prospect?
Upcoming events, travel opportunities, or team-building activities.
What is important to highlight in the follow-up with a Green prospect?
Detailed presentations, earnings reports, and anything that provides more evidence of success.
What should you focus on during your follow-up with a Yellow prospect?
How do you adjust your language when speaking to a Yellow vs. a Blue?
With Yellows, focus on empathy and teamwork; with Blues, focus on fun and the social aspect of the business.
What should you avoid when prospecting a Red personality?
Avoid focusing too much on details or emotions—they’re driven by results and action.
What should you avoid when prospecting a Blue personality?
Avoid being too formal, structured, or focusing on technical details—they prefer a relaxed, fun environment.
What should you avoid when prospecting a Green personality?
Avoid rushing them or being too vague—Greens need time and all the facts to make an informed decision.
What should you avoid when prospecting a Yellow personality?
Avoid being too aggressive or focusing solely on financial gain—they’re driven by purpose, not profit.
What is the biggest mistake you can make when trying to prospect someone without understanding their personality type?
Using a one-size-fits-all approach and not connecting with what motivates them on a personal level