The Roaring 20s
Causes of the Great Depression
Effects of the Great Depression

This demographic group experienced dignity and respect in Europe unlike anything they had experienced back home in the US, especially in the South. These experiences would be a major cause of the Great Migration. 

African Americans


Which term fits the following definition: "A subculture of young women prominent after the First World War and through the 1920s who wore short skirts, bobbed their hair, listened to jazz, and flaunted their disdain for prevailing codes of decent behavior."



This event began in the US in September 1929 and peaked in October. It was the first major cause of the Great Depression.

The Wall Street Stock Market Crash of 1929


The 1932 election was a landslide victory for this NY Democrat who promised to use the power of the federal government to help those suffering from the Great Depression. 

Bonus: How many terms would this president be elected to?

Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Bonus: 4! The only president to ever serve more than 2 terms. He died shortly into his 4th and final term in 1945. 


Which societal and government reform did the Temperance Movement, dominated by women and Christians, result in? 

Bonus: Which amendment would undo this reform?


Bonus: 21st amendment


After powering American factories and farms during WWI, women demanded equal political rights, which they got in 1920 was the ratification of this amendment.

Bonus: Women were a huge force in getting this amendment ratified, which banned the production and sale of alcohol in the US. 

19th amendment

Bonus: 18th amendment


Name two historical circumstances (causes) of the Harlem Renaissance.

Bonus: Name an additional two, for a total of four, historical circumstances.

The Great Migration, push factors: fleeing Jim Crow Laws, pull factors: employment, education, housing opportunities, experiences in Europe during WWI, rising black nationalism/class consciousness


During the 1920s, middle-class Americans gained access to luxury automated goods that revolutionized domestic life, particularly for women. Name three automated consumer goods Americans purchased using credit during this period. 

Bonus: Name an additional two consumer goods for a total of five.

Vacuum cleaners, washing and drying machines, dish washers, refrigerators and ice chests (freezers), radios, automobiles, electric irons, toasters, coffee pots, milk pasteurizers, electric kettles, etc. 


Identify the term that fits the following definition: make changes in something, typically a social, political, or economic institution or practice, in order to improve it.

Bonus: Name an example of this term included in Roosevelt's New Deal


Bonus: Glass-Steagall Act, creation of the SEC, creation of the FDIC, move away from the Gold Standard, repeal of Prohibition, etc.


This New Deal reform is arguably the signature achievement of the New Deal: it provides the elderly with a guaranteed minimum income, which they pay into with a tax on each paycheck. 

The Social Security Act


This US president emerged as the leader of the Allied Powers at the end of WWI. However, even he couldn't convince his own congress to join the League of Nations.

Bonus: In his famous "14 Points" speech, this president called for this term for colonized peoples around the world: the right to determine their own destinies. 

Woodrow Wilson

Bonus: Self-determination


This sector of the economy struggled after WWI because of decreasing demand for their products; they had taken on too much debt to expand during the war; and new technologies like chemical fertilizers and gas-powered equipment were expensive. 



Herbert Hoover believed that charity and hard work would save the US from the Great Depression, not the government. Accordingly, he was a believer in this political/economic ideology, in which the government does not intervene in the economy.

Laissez Faire capitalism


How is the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) an example of recovery in the American south?

The TVA hired laborers to build new electrical infrastructure that powered the majority of the deep south, allowing them to build new factories, housing, and infrastructure for the first time.


Identify the term that fits the following definition: a period of severe arid storms that greatly damaged the ecology and agriculture of the American and Canadian prairies during the 1930s.

Bonus: Name three states most affected by this event.

The Dust Bowl

Bonus: Colorado, Texas, Kansas, New Mexico, Oklahoma


After WWI, there was a battle between interventionists and isolationists in the US over joining the League of Nations. Who won this battle in the US congress?



This African American writer became famous during the Harlem Renaissance for pioneering "jazz poetry," which we read an example of during class. He was a major inspiration on the coming Civil Rights generation.

Langston Hughes


The Stock Market crash triggered numerous panics throughout the rest of the economy. One industry that suffered most saw 1 in 5 of its branches close between 1930 and 1933 due to repeated runs and panics. Name that institution. 

The Banking/Financial Sector


This new deal reform saw the federal government guarantee depositors' money in banks up to $100,000. Eventually, that amount would be upgraded to $250,000, where it remains today. 

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)


Which term do we use to describe the phenomenon of middle-class Americans taking out loans in the 1920s to purchase consumer goods?

Bonus: Which term do we use to describe the phenomenon of middle-class Americans taking out loans in the 1920s to purchase investments (stocks)?

Consumer goods: credit

Bonus: margin


Herbert Hoover was heavily influenced by the First Red Scare. When the Great Depression began, he argued the government shouldn't directly help the people because he feared this kind of political ideology, popular in Europe after WWI, would take over the US.

Socialism (aka Marxism or communism) 


This trial was a showdown between the Modernists and Fundamentalists over the issue of teaching evolution in public schools. The Fundamentalists won the battle, but the Modernists won the war. 

Bonus: Which state did this court case take place in?

The Scopes-Monkey Trial

Bonus: Tennessee


This legislation, passed by Congress in 1930, was an attempt to promote American manufacturing. However, it was a colossal failure that ended in a global trade war that deepened the Great Depression.

The Smoot-Hawley Tarriff Act


This significant piece of New Deal reform legislation separated banking into two major branches: investment banks and commercial banks. This way, investment banks could take risks, and commercial banks could protect depositors' money. 

The Glass-Steagall Act


List the three presidents of the 1920s.

Warren G. Harding, Calvin Coolidge, Herbert Hoover
