What does GAP stand for?
Guaranteed Asset Protection
What 3 things does Payment Sheild Plus cover?
Involuntary Unemployment-
Loss of Life
What packages do we offer?
Platinum, Gold and Silver
When can PSP be added to a loan/credit card?
When can GAP be purchased?
What is GAP Plus?
List 2 benefits
How many payments are protected for disability?
What is the max amount we would cover?
12 months
What are the deductible options?
Deductible options: $0, $100, $250 or $500
How many payments are protected for Involuntary Unemployment?
What is the max amount we would cover?
6 Months
Gap must be canceled within __ days in order to receive a full refund.
GAP covers which eligible collateral:
What is the max outstanding balance Loss of Life will cover?
If the car is sold what is the transfer fee?
True or False
Suicide is a covered after the first 12 months.
GAP's payout can be up to ______.
How much does GAP cost?
Involuntary Unemployment benefits begin on ___ day.
What are addition benefits MRC offers?
Please list 5.
What would cause PSP to be terminated?
What type of vehicle conditions are excluded?
A GAP claim must be filed within ___ days from the date of the primary carrier's settlement.
Unemployment Benefits- Member must not be working any job or combination of jobs for ___ hours or more per week.
What is Insurance Services ext?
What causes termination of the Life Plus coverage?
Coverage terminates on the date the protected loan payment is 90 days delinquent and is not automatically restored once the loan is paid current.
**When would you recommend GAP Plus?