What is the primary function of protein?
Growth and repair
How much protein should you consume post-exercise?
Should you consume protein during exercise?
What is the process that breaks down fat for energy?
What role do fats play at low to moderate exercise intensity?
Main fuel source
Are there different ways to consume protein?
What athletes need the most protein?
endurance athletes
What is the primary function of dietary fats?
Serve as fuel for muscles
Main storage of fat
How much energy should come from fat?
What are 3 considerations we must think about for protein consumption?
amount, type, source
Where do endurance athletes get most protein?
Bread, pasta, and carb sources
At low to moderate exercise, what percent of energy is from fat?
Which fatty acids have more than one double bond?
What is the limit for saturated fat intake as total energy?
Less than 10%
What is (MPS) muscle protein synthesis?
Process of producing new muscle protein
Where do resistance athletes get most of their protein.
Meat, eggs, and dairy like protein sources
Why is there a different range for protein consumption?
Different needs of people
Fats are broken down in a process called
Trans fats are in what
processed foods
What is (MPB) muscle protein breakdown
Muscles breaking down and building back increasing muscle mass
So your levels don't drop while you sleep.
What is collagen?
It transmits force from muscles to carry out actions.
Omega 3 fatty acids include EPA DHA and
What are some sources of Omega 3 fatty acids?
Fish, walnuts, oil