In what century the catholic church was very powerful and controlled what it's followers could and could not do?
Who were the first reformed?
Who is born in 1483?
Martin Luther
Who was Henry first wife?
Anna Boleyn
What was the catholic church trying to do?
Reform the church
How much of the territory of Europe did the church control?
1/3 of the Europe
Who is established Henry a head of the church?
The Act of Supremacy
who died in 1564?
John Calvin
What happen to Jane Seymour after she gave birth?
She died in 1537
When was rome established?
why did the pope fight with the king?
For power
Where is the church Anglicam?
Who is John Calvin?
a pastor
Who is Henry and Jane son name?
who established the church?
Pope Paul lll
What happened if they did no receive the sacrament?
They couldn't go to heaven
Henry Vlll closed all the convents
Martin Luther is associated with the Lutheran church?
Who was Henry last wife before he pass away?
Catherine Parr
Who were publicly beaten?
The culprits
Who is the leader of the catholic church?
To Catholicism
Come from a middle class German family?
Who is Martin Luther
What year did Henry died?
In 1547
What was the most famous case?
Galileo Galilei