The Bible instructs sick people to shout "Unclean!" because...
What is because shouting "Unclean!" tells other people to stay away, and prevents germs from being spread.
The place Jesus was prophesied to be born in hundreds of years before it happened.
What is Bethlehem?
We count _______ touching Jesus' wounds after his resurrection and believing as a credible eyewitness testimony.
What is Thomas?
The idea of a songbook suddenly flying across the room doesn't follow the law of _______ and _______.
What is Cause and Effect?
To get the people Jesus was crucified with to die sooner, the soldiers were ordered to...
What is break their legs?
The harmful bacteria carried by amphibians, lizards, raw meat (chicken), and raw eggs.
What is salmonella?
The number of people Isaiah prophesied would be crucified with Jesus.
What is two?
Luke wrote the book of Acts for _________ so that he "may know the certainty of the things you have been taught".
What is Theophilus?
You can't clean your room by just lighting some...
What is Dynamite?
The guards could not have truthfully testified that Jesus' body had been stolen because at the time, they were...
What is asleep?
The real name of the "paths in the sea".
What is ocean currents?
God predicted Babylon would be destroyed similarly to these two famous cities from Abraham's time.
What is Sodom and Gomorrah?
The Roman emperor Nero burned Rome and blamed its burning on this group of people.
What is Roman Christians?
Atheists believe the universe wasn't created, but came about from a...
What is "big bang" or singularity?
Three words that describe God's power. (Hint: Omni...)
What is omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent?
The kind of natural soap made using similar ingredients as those described in the Bible.
What is Lye soap
A tunnel Hezekiah built under Jerusalem to bring water into the city.
What is Hezekiah's Tunnel
Homer's _______ was written far before the New Testament and does not have an original copy, but no one disputes its credibility.
What is Iliad?
Our planet is in a "____________" zone with the Sun, meaning it is in the exact perfect place for life to survive.
What is Goldilocks?
The number of pounds of spices would have been wrapped into Jesus' burial clothes.
What is 75?
One ingredient in the cleaning agent described in the bible. Hint: Numbers 19:1-7.
What is hyssop, cedar ashes, a burned heifer, or scarlet wool?
The city whose downfall at the hands of Alexander the Great was predicted by Ezekiel. (Hint: they were fought against by Babylon first, and in their fall they were "scraped like a rock" and no trace of them can be found.)
What is the city of Tyre?
The New Testament passes the _____ test, meaning it was written in the same generation as the events it speaks of.
What is Acid?
Note: this means any wrong information could have been easily corrected by eyewitnesses, who were still alive!
Atheists believe the singularity that caused the sudden existence of the universe was originally this small. (Hint: punctuation)
What is a tiny period?
This person was also raised and his life was proof of Jesus' miracle. He was also targeted to be killed along with Jesus.
What is Lazarus?