What are the predominant colors in the flag of New Spain?
Red and white
Say 3 característica of the alebrijes
They are colorful
They are extravagant
They are a mix of different animals
What is the day of the celebration of the day of the death?
1 and 2 of November
Who was Mario Molina?
Mario Molina was a Mexican engineer, chemist, scientist, professor and activist, known for being one of the discoverers of the causes of the Antarctic ozone hole.
What animal represent the peace
Nos many years the flag of new Spain stayed on vigor
300 years
Tell me ha he 3 expressions
Artistic , social and comunicativa
What is the topical food of the day of the death in Merida
What dio Mario Molina do?
Discovered that chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) damage the ozone layer.
What is the culture of peace
It is when a group of people promote the non-violence
How many verses does the national school anthem have?
5 stanzas : 3 chorus 2 normal
How the alebrijes was created
The alebrijes apeard in his nightmares they were
What is the flower that can’t miss in the altares
Whats the full nema of Mario Molina?
José Mario Molina-Pasquel Henríquez
When it cebrebrate the day of the peace
21 of September
Who created the national mexican athem?
Francisco González Bocanegra y Jaime Nunó.
Who is the creator of alebrijes?
Pedro Linares López
Tell me 3 movie inspírate in the day if the death
the book of life
la leyenda de la Nahuala
What were Mario Molina's greatest contributions?
The understanding of ozone depletion and climate change.
True or false, all the conflicts or wars stop so that humanitarian aid comes to help
In what languages is the anthem translated?
otomí, mixteco, maya, náhuatl, and alemán
It is true that the alebrines help to scare bad spirits from the houses ¿true or false?
Tell me 5 offerring in the altares
Food , photo, food and drinks, candles, alcohol etc.
Why did he win the nobel prize in chemistry?
He win the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for discovering how chlorofluorocarbons deplete the ozone layer.
mention the 4 thinks to promote the culture of peace
Assertive handing of emotions
Appreciation of diverity
Respect for the rules