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How do you say "Guante" in english
A = Glove
It´s the part between the shoulder and the wrist
A = Arm
How is the weather in summer?
A = Warm
Translate the following word, "when"
A = Cuando
Translate the following word, "broke"
A = Rompi
A long piece of material which is attached to the collar for a smart appearance
A = Tie
Your_____ sends blood around your body to all of your other organs
A = Heart
In the United States, the weather is coldest in this season
A = Winter
A = While
Change the sentence into positive, " I didn´t eat pizza"
A = I ate pizza
What do you call a piece of hardwearing material which surrounds the foot?
A = Shoes
It´s the joint between your leg and your foot
A = Ankle
Most of Somalia and much of the African countries are this type or climate
A = Desert
Correct the following simultaneus sentence, "My dad were sleeping in a tent while my mom was playing the guitar
A = My dad was sleeping in a tent while my mom was playing the guitar
Complete the following sentence, "Yesterday afternoon I (visit)_____my grandparents"
A = Yesterday afternoon I visited my grandparents
When a person has poor eyesight, what does he use?
A = Glasses
The_____ controls your entire body and is located in your skull
A = Brain
In autumn the_____makes the trees lose their leaves
A = Wind
Chose the correct sentence, "I was cooking dinner when" (my cat was jumping on the stove, my cat jumping on the stove, my cat jumped on the stove
A = My cat jumped on the stove
Answer the question with an affirmative sentence, "Did you cook spaghetti at school?
A = Yes, I cooked spaghetti at school
Thin material open at one end which is worn on the foot for comfort
A = Socks
It covers almost the entire body and helps keep all the organs and muscles in place
A = Skin
A = Spring
Complete the sentence with while or when, "We were playing soccer_____it began to rain
A = When