Which month are fall leaves the most colorful?
Day after a holiday where people shop some of the best deals of the year.
Black Friday
Why do trees hate going to school?
Because they're easily stumped
What is another name for fall?
There are 4 most common colors associated with fall - name 2
What is red, yellow, orange and brown
How do you fix a pumpkin?
With a pumpkin patch
In November, which fall holiday is celebrated in America?
This is the most sold chocolate bar around Halloween.
Reece's peanut butter cup
Why shouldn’t you tell a secret in a cornfield?
Because the corn has ears
Are pumpkins fruit or vegetable?
A pumpkin is made up of approximately how much water?
A. 45%
B. 60%
C. 80%
C. 80% Pumpkins are 80-90% water
How do trees get onto the internet?
They 'log' in
Which Continent is the only one to not grow pumpkins?
Besides pies, what were pumpkins also used for in the old days?
To remove freckles and cure snake bites.
What do you get when you divide the circumference of a jack-o-lantern by it's diameter?
Pumpkin Pi