Self Care/Wellness
Working with Authority Figures
Finding and Applying for a Job
Navigating Disagreements
Succesful Renting

Why is it important to engage in self care?

It can help you improve your physical and mental health, and manage stress.


What is an Authority figure?

An authority figure is someone who has power, influence, or control over others.


Where do you look for a job?

Indeed, Ziprecruiter, individual company websites, Linkedin, Google jobs, job fairs, Workforce services.


Name an Anger control strategy?

Breathing slowly and deeply, relaxing any tense muscles, asking for a few minutes alone, exercising, identifying your triggers, expressing your concerns once you are calm.


What sources do use to look for an Apartment?

Online (,, zillow, KSL, individual company websites) Advertisements around town.


How many hours of sleep should a 14-17 year old get?

8-10 hours of sleep.


Name some types of Authority figures?

Police officers, Teachers, Judge, Parents.


Why is it important to have a resume?

It's the first impression that potential employers or hiring managers will have of you, and is an essential tool in your job search toolkit.


How do you Agree to Disagree?

1. Look at the person, 2. Calmly state your perspective or opinion, 3. Listen with an open mind as the other person states their opinion, 4. If the opinion of the other person is hurtful, hold strong to your position, but do not escalate the situation, 5. If the other person expresses concerns that appear dangerous to themselves or others, ask for help from an adult.


Why is it important for you to do a walk through of your apartment before renting it?

A walk-through with the landlord can help you identify any needed repairs or other issues before you move in. Be sure to take photos and notes so you can refer back to them later.


Why does the way you think about yourself matter?

The way you think about yourself can affect your mood, emotions, behavior, and actions.


Why should we respect authority figures?

By definition, authority figures have the experience, knowledge and power to make decisions that directly affect you. While you might not always agree with them, most authority figures have your best interest at heart. If you can look at the decisions from their perspective, you’re more likely to understand their reasoning, learn from the decisions and make better choices for yourself in the future.


When should you follow up with a potential employer if you haven’t heard back?

Ask the hiring manager in the interview! If you are not able to ask, follow up within a week.


How do you choose appropriate words?

1.Consider where you are and who you’re with, 2. Think about what you want to say and choose words that accurately reflect your thoughts or feelings, 3. Avoid terms which others may find confusing or offensive, 4. If you realize you have offended someone, apologize immediately.


What should you do if something breaks in your apartment?

When something breaks or is not working right in your apartment, follow the instructions in your lease to submit a work order for repair! It can be a simple phone call, text, email, or through a specific website.


Name the 5 dimensions of self-care?

Physical, Emotional, Social, Spiritual, Lifestyle.


How do we respond appropriately to Authority Figures?

Look at the person, use a pleasant or neutral tone when talking, If given an instruction remain calm, Be respectful, Do the task right away, if you are unable to do so let them know politely that you cannot do what they requested, If appropriate request a reason or disagree appropriately at a later time.


What are some skills that are necessary to be successful at work?

Being on time, Checking in, Completing tasks, Doing good quality work, Following rules, Staying on task, working well with others, working with authority figures.


How do you make an apology?

1. Look at the person, 2. Use a serious and sincere voice, 3. Say, “I’m sorry for...” or “I want to apologize for....”, 4. Explain how you plan to do better in the future, 5. If appropriate, offer to make restitution, 6. Thank the person for listening.


What are some methods you use to keep your apartment clean and organized?

Remove clutter first, Make your bed, Dishes, Garbage, Laundry, Use the right cleaning supplies such as All-purpose cleaner, windex, etc., clean the Kitchen and bathrooms, Dust, and Vacuum.


What’s the difference between self-care and self-indulgence?

Self-care is the act of taking care of one's physical and mental health, while self-indulgence is the act of giving in to one's desires without regard for the consequences.


How do you disagree appropriately or ask questions about a rule or request?

1. Look at the person, 2. Use a pleasant voice or tone, 3. Say “I understand how you feel”, 4. Share how you feel differently, 5.Give a reason, 6. Listen to the other person. Be willing to agree to disagree and still comply with the request, if necessary.


How do you resign from a job?

1. Find out the required amount of notice to be given. 2. Inform your supervisor calmly and pleasantly of your intention to resign. 3. Give a positive reason. 4.Always give at least the minimum amount of notice required. 5. Avoid walking off a job or leaving under negative circumstances.


How do we accept consequences?

1. Look at the person, 2. Say, “Okay.”, 3. Stay calm (avoid arguing or making excuses), 4. If given instructions or suggestions on how to correct the situation, follow them.


How do you end your lease?

Talk to your landlord. Let them know that you want to end your lease. Pay the early termination fee as listed in the lease if applicable. Be sure to move out on the agreed date.
