Recovery Programs

This is the act of setting a plan to reach in the near or far future with intent to achieve it for benefit(s).

What is goals?


This is someone who is willing to let you talk without being disruptive, intruding, or giving you the wrong ideas.

What is a good listener?


These are the people who have been around you most of your life. They consist of parents and siblings. Also the most strongest thing in the world according to Dom Toretto 

What is family?


This is a program that works in the process of restoration of community functioning and well-being of an individual diagnosed in mental health, which can be used on a site or mobile. The program you are familiar with features a handsome, tall, brunette caseworker.

What is Psych Rehab?


This is whenever you have built up a large amount of something you have interest in. Popular examples are comic books and trading cards.

What is a collection?


This is the term for whenever you are able to determine what is going on around you, both in good or bad situations.

What is control?


This is when someone thanks you for helping them, someone that shows that they are thankful for your time, and someone that is there for you no matter what since you are to them.

What is appreciative? 


These are people who usually start as acquaintances. Due to common interests or time spent together, the relationship comes closer into someone who you can be happy or yourself around.

What is a friend?

This is the service of having someone licensed be able to discuss with you alternatives and tips on how to control your feelings, illness, or coping skills. It is usually done individually. 

What is therapy?


A resource that you can listen to for therapeutic benefit, like whenever you are feeling down. You also can take up learning how to play this.

What is music?


This is the service that PRSB provides to help with more personal connections between group members and staff.

What is one on ones?


This is a quality that is acheived by standing up for yourself, saying what is right for yourself/others, and having other people's wellbeing in mind.

What is assertiveness?


This is a type of person who can help you get through things along with building comfort with someone through a romantic connection. 

What is a relationship/boyfriend/girlfriend?


This is a center in Butler that creates and hosts events that vouch for mental health recovery along with a place you can go to with any needs that are needed in mental health recovery.

What is Grapevine?
This is a hobby you can take up that is popular for clearing heads along with filling heads up with information. People have collections of them and do it in their free time, popularly before bed.

What is reading?


This is the act of showering everyday, cleaning your house/room, eating healthy, etc.

What is good hygiene?


This is the act of someone telling you that you should follow your dreams, you should chase your goals, and/or tells you that you can do it!

What is encouragement?


This is a type of relationship that is built through issues that those have in common. AA meetings to grief meetings are the popular of those. 

What is group support?


This is someone that can support those with mental illnesses. They are familiar with helping those due to being past victims of mental health illness.

What is a certified peer specialist?


Studies show that taking up hobbies can reduce this feeling in mental health.

What is stress?


This is a way to have self care that is usually unique to each person. This is used to help get your mind off of life for a while.

What is personal interests?


Someone who you can tell anything to no matter what. It is one who you can be sure of not telling your problems to other people, saying anything behind your back, or telling your secrets/problems to others.

What is trustworthy?


This is a relationship that is built online and a way where you can find friendships along with peer support through social media/online communication.

What is social media groups/forums?


This applies for those who are experiencing struggle in addiction. This is a service or person you could go to with curiosity on how to get out of a life of addiction.

What is a D&A counselor?


When engaging in a hobby, your brain releases this chemical that makes you happy.

What is endorphins?
