Trivia Question: What is the rarest M&M color?
In The Matrix, does Neo take the blue pill or the red pill?
Trivia Question: What is the nearest planet to the sun?
Trivia Question: Botany is the scientific study of what?
Trivia Question: The Statue of Liberty was given to the US by which country?
The "symbol" represents being tied to the past
Which is the only edible food that never goes bad?
Trivia Question: What state is the Hollywood walk of fame in
Trivia Question: How many bones do sharks have?
Trivia Question: How many eyes does a bee have? 2,4,5,or 6
Trivia Question: Which country produces the most coffee in the world?
What is an example of voluntary Suffering?
Job, Parenthood, Physical fitness
What country invented Pizza?
Trivia Question: What day is Star Wars Day?
May 4
What is the largest known land animal?
Trivia Question: Which mammal has no vocal cords? Gorilla, coyote, monkey, or giraffe
Which desert is the largest in the world?
The Sarahara Desert
DAILY DOUBLE: 4 elements that destroy the soul. Name one and what is involved
1. He who no longer cares for the lost
2. One who does not care to teach the youth
3. Can not be bothered with the care of the physically injured or mentally wounded
4. No regard for the belly of the healthy
Trivia Question: What is the only edible food that never goes bad?
What is the highest-grossing R-rated movie of all time?
What tissues connect the muscles to the bones?
Trivia Question: What organ does an octopus have three of?
Trivia Question: What is a meteorologist? News Reporter, sports analyst, or a person who studies the weather
Person who studies the weather.
If you do this, you are healthy
Which country invented french fries?
Trivia Question: What is the Golden man statue given to talented actors
An oscar
Trivia Question: What planet in our solar system has the most gravity?
Trivia Question: What is the only fruit that has its seeds on the outside?
Trivia Question: What gas makes up most of the atmosphere of Mars?
Carbon dioxide
What does it mean to SIN
Hamartia, to miss the mark
Trivia Question: What is the most consumed manufactured drink in the world?
Trivia Question: What are the names of Cinderella’s stepsisters?
Anastasia and Drizella
Trivia Question: The first vaccine was for which disease?
Small Pox
What is known as the fastest animal on land?
Trivia Question:What layer of the Earth is right below the crust?
The soul eating emotion
What are the names of the Rice Krispies mascots?
Snap, Crackle, & Pop
What is the name of the movie where the family has super powers and fight crimes?
What is made by white blood cells to help fight off infection?
Trivia Question: What color is Absinthe? Red, Blue, Green, or purple
Trivia Question: Who was the first American astronaut to step foot on the moon?
Neil Armstrong
Frankl's Three wills
Freedom of will
will to meaning
will to life
Trivia Question: What is the common name for dried plums?
Trivia Question: Who Was the "king of rock and Roll"
How many teeth does an adult human have?
Trivia Question: What is the smallest country in the world? Madagascar, Vatican (where the Pope lives), or Haiti
Trivia Question: What is the world’s biggest island?
These are the differences between the Id, Ego, and Super-Ego
ID: Unconscious, Irrational, Immediate Gratification, The Devil on your shoulder
Ego: Balanced, Rational
Super Ego: Ideals, Morals, Strive for perfection, Angel on shoulder
What is the most sold food in America
Fried Chicken
Trivia Question: What was the first toy to be advertised on television?
Mr Potato Head from Toy Story
True or false: sound travels faster in air than in water.
How many legs does a lobster have?
What is the world’s longest river?
Daily Double Bet
In Sterquiliniis Inventur? - Broader definition
In filth it shall be found