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What does PDR stands for?

¿Qué significa PDR?

Prevent, Detection and Response



Office of Refugee and Resettlement


Thell us a joke, you have to make at least 5 people laugh

Cuentanos un chiste, tienes que hacer reír al menos a 5 personas



Can a child submit a verbal grievance? If so, how do you submit such grievance?

¿Puede un niño presentar una queja verbal? Si es así, ¿cómo presenta esa queja?

Yes, a child can submit a verbal grievance. As a Youth Care Worker, you will immediately submit such grievance via e-mail.


How many holidays does SWK recognize/pay?

¿Cuántos días festivos reconoce/paga SWK?

10 - New Years, MLK, Good Friday, Cinco de Mayo, Memorial Day, Juneteenth, Independence Day, Labor Day, TG and BF, Christmas


There are 7 contacts in the Direct Line Phone Booths. Name at least 5.

Hay 7 contactos en las cabinas telefónicas de línea directa. Nombra al menos 5. 

1. Sunzal PSA Compliance Manager

2. ORR Sexual Abuse Hotline

3. 911

4. Children Assessment Center

5. KIND Legal Provider

6. CPS

7. Consulates


Unaccompanied Allien Children


How many hours do we have to complete the intake presentation to a child?

¿Cuántas horas tenemos para completar la presentación de admisión a un niño?

48 hours


What are the Grievance Reporting/Response times: 

Report to SL: ____, Acknowledgement from PD/APD: ____, Response to child: _____

¿Cuáles son los tiempos de presentación de quejas/respuestas? 

Informe a SL: ____, Reconocimiento de PD/APD: ____, Respuesta al niño: _____

1 Hour, 24 Hours, 5 Days

Acronym - ETO

Efforts to Outcome


Name at least three barriers that a staff can experience when having to report a PSA incident.

Mencione al menos tres barreras que un miembro del personal puede experimentar al tener que reportar un incidente de PSA.

• Youth reluctance to report
• Lack of staff training
• Lack of youth education about reporting
• Inadequate protocols
• Unprofessional staff relationships



Verification of Release

Physical copies of grievances should be filed and kept for how long?

¿Por cuánto tiempo se deben presentar y conservar copias físicas de las quejas?

12 months


What happens when a child is not satisfied with the outcome/response of the program to a grievance?

¿Qué sucede cuando un niño no está satisfecho con el resultado/respuesta del programa a una queja? 

The child can request an appeal. 


What is the name of our new PD?

Alder A. Valdez


Zero tolerance policy is all forms of ____, _____, and _____. 

La política de cero tolerancia abarca todas las formas de ____, ____, y ____. 

• Sexual abuse
• Sexual harassment
• Inappropriate sexual abuse.



Federal Fiel Specialist

How many phone calls does a child receives during the week and for how many minutes?

¿Cuántas llamadas telefónicas recibe un niño durante la semana y durante cuántos minutos?

Saturday and Sunday 45 minutes

Tuesday and Thursday 25 minutes


Who receives and processes a grievance? (From upper management, 4)

¿Quién recibe y procesa una queja?(De la alta dirección, 4)

PD, APD, PSA, Supervisors


What is our bed capacity? 



There are 8 steps to follow when a PSA incident occurs. Name at least 6.

Hay 8 pasos a seguir cuando ocurre un incidente de PSA. Nombra al menos 6. 

  1. The alleged victim, perpetrator, and any witnesses shall be separated and ensure the safety of all children and staff.  

  1. Staff must immediately inform their supervisor on duty and PD/APD/PSA compliance manager must be informed as well 

  1. PSA compliance manager contacts 911 

  1. Preserve and Protect any evidence 

  1. Work with appropriate authorities to arrange forensic medical examination 

  1. Report the incident to ORR within 4 hours 

  1. Develop a safety plan with in 24 hours, including appropriate housing assignment 

  1. Refer the victim to their legal service provider and child advocate



Notice to Appear


Where are the mailboxes located for a child to write a letter to their family and who is in charge of mailing such letters?

¿Dónde se encuentran los buzones para que un niño escriba una carta a su familia y quién se encarga de enviar dichas cartas? 

Day area and 1st floor of educational, CM is in charge of mailing letters


Other than a SWK staff, who else can assist a child to submit a grievance? (Name at least 3)

Aparte del personal de SWK, ¿quién más puede ayudar a un niño a presentar una queja? 

Other child, family member, volunteer, legal representative, or contractor


What is the new call-in procedure and what is the minimum time in advance to call?

Call Shift Supervisor, if no answer, call SL Phone. All must be done no later than 1 hour before your shift starts. 
