It may be a bit run down, but this building is where you can find the UBC Psychology Department.
What is Douglas T. Kenny?
This psychologist, known for their findings about obedience, performed a truly "shocking" experiment.
Who is Stanley Milgram?
This American university was home to a famously controversial "imprisoning" experiment.
What is Stanford University?
This Pixar film personifies emotions like Joy, Sadness, and Anger to explore how memories shape personality.
What is Inside Out?
As seen in Tomorrowland
What is Main Mall?
This well-known coffee shop has 6 locations on campus.
What is Starbucks?
This UBC alumnus is well known for their work developing Social Learning Theory, and is particularly famous for their Bobo Doll experiment.
Who is Albert Bandura?
According to Miller (1956), the average person can store this many items in their short-term memory.
What is seven?
This popular personality framework, based on Carl Jung’s psychological types, divides people into 16 different categories based on preferences like introversion vs. extraversion and thinking vs. feeling.
What is the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)?
As seen in the Adam Project
This study spot is great - if you're actually able to find somewhere to sit, that is.
What is IKB?
This psychologist could make dogs drool with the simple ring of a bell.
Who is Ivan Pavlov?
This experiment by Solomon Asch demonstrated the true power of peer pressure.
What is the Asch Conformity Experiment?
The addictive nature of social media is often linked to this brain chemical, which is associated with pleasure and reward.
What is dopamine?
As seen in She's the Man
What is Thunderbird Stadium?
These alphabetical buildings may have you reminiscing about when you were in high school.
What is Buchanan?
This psychologist is known for developing the hierarchy of needs, which outlines the stages of human motivation.
Who is Abraham Maslow?
This 9-month-old baby was used in Dr. Miller's phobia experiment.
Who is Little Albert?
This term describes the manipulation of a person’s perception of reality, often used in psychological thrillers and dramas, as seen in Gaslight and Gone Girl.
What is gaslighting?
As seen in X-Men Origins: Wolverine
What is Buchanan Tower?
The 1922 sit-in that advocated for finishing the construction of UBC Point Grey campus, formerly known as "The Pilgrimage".
What is the Great Trek?
This psychologist made many groundbreaking contributions, but more importantly, they taught pigeons how to play ping-pong.
Who is B.F. Skinner?
Freud believed that personality is a battlefield between the impulsive id, the rule-following superego, and the _______.
What is the ego?
This famous “doctor” who is a popular talk show host is known to have a Doctorate in Psychology.
Who is Dr Phil McGraw?
As seen in Catwoman
What is The Chan Centre for Performing Arts?