what does the word refuge mean?
It is a place where one can run to hide.
God reveals himself through?
the word
what does psalm mean?
name someone who wrote a part of psalm
moses, david, asaph, sons of korah, heman, solomon, and anonymous
Do you know what is the secret of not being afraid?
in Psalm 56, “When I am afraid, I will trust in the Lord.”
in verse 72, “the Law is more precious to me than thousands
of pieces of silver and gold.” what does that men
Only the Lord Jesus can be so precious. We can think about Him all the time. As we think about Him, the Holy Spirit reminds us to do what pleases the Lord Jesus and changes us to be like Him.
(v.11), “For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is His love for those who fear Him."
Should we fear God? What does the word “fear” mean
To “fear God” means to respect Him as God and not want to
offend Him, our heavenly Father, or make Him sad.
How many hebrew poems in psalms?
meaning of “He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.” and “If you make the Most High your dwelling, then no harm will befall (happen to) you.”
You must live in the secret place of God, then you can be under His shadow (protection). So these verses tell us that children of God do not automatically enjoy His protection. There is a requirement; that is living close to the Lord.
meaning of
The psalmist told us in verse 89, “Your Word is eternal; it stands firm in the heavens.”
What God has said lasts forever; it will always be true and will not change.
So we need to know what God has said and believe and trust His Word.
Psalm 16, “The Lord is my portion and my inheritance; the
Lord is my cup and my lot.”
This means that all who have believed are in God's family and have God as an inheritance. The Lord is the owner of everything in the whole universe and the source of all spiritual blessings. We should praise Him as we enjoy all His goodness.
what does hallelujah mean?
commands people to praise Yahweh (God)
difference between old testament and new testament when it comes to dwelling and being close to God
this place that is close to the Lord “the secret place” was probably about the Most Holy Place, the innermost part of the tabernacle. Most people in those days only went into the outer court to offer sacrifices. But God desires His people to come into the Most Holy Place, and He promises to meet them there. Because of sin, only the high priest could go into the Most Holy Place once a year. Now that our Lord Jesus shed His blood on the Cross as that perfect sacrifice, the way has been opened for us to come close to God at anytime and in any place. God does not want us to come just once in a while to pay Him a visit. God wants us to dwell (live) with Him (in His presence) all the time. When we are close to the Lord, we see the care and protection He gives to others. So when we need His protection or care, we know He can do it for us also. Then we will not be afraid.
The psalmist also told us in
verse 60, “I will hasten (hurry) and not delay to obey Your commands.” Why did he hurry to obey?
In verse 9 he asked, “How can a young man (a young person) keep his way pure?” How can we live pleasing to the Lord?
To put off obeying is disobeying.
“By living according to God’s Word.”
“It is the Lord who redeems my life from the pit (death). He has crowned
(surrounds) me with love and compassion.” who wrote this?
The last five psalms all begin with the word _______ ?
What 2 categories do the poems in psalm fall under and what does each one mean?
Lament or Praise
Lament- prayers of pain, confusion, anger, and how horrible the world is and what's happening
Praise- joy and celebration and focus on what's good with the world
Do you remember what Moses did which made him run for his life? He killed the Egyptian who treated one of the Israelites badly. When Pharaoh found out, he wanted to kill Moses. So Moses had to run away. The Lord kept him safe because God had a work for him to do. This was how Moses began to know God as his refuge.
In Greek, one is “Logos (LO-gus).” When we say the Word of God, meaning the Bible, it is Logos. It is the eternal, unchanging written Word of God. We read it, and we memorize it. At first, it may not mean too much to us. Then, one day something happens. God, the Holy Spirit, speaks the same words directly and personally to us again. God shows us His care, His comfort and His love. He reveals the word to us and it becomes “Rhema (RAY-ma).” It is through such experiences of His Word, we really come to know Him.
The psalmist wrote about worship in the Old Testament time. But we live in the New Testament time now. what is the difference?
In the Old Testament time, people could only worship God in the temple in Jerusalem. However, after the Lord Jesus died, rose again and went back to heaven, the Holy Spirit has been sent to live inside every one who believes in the Lord Jesus. Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians that we are the temple of the Holy Spirit. So we can worship God anywhere because He is with us everywhere. We do not need to wait until Sunday and go to our meeting place to worship the Lord. In Old Testament days, only the Levites who were singers and musicians praised and worshiped the Lord.
Match the following...
Book 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
A. Call to covenant faithfulness, David is a model of that kind of faithfulness- he calls out to God to deliver him and God elevates him as king.
B. United in their hope for a future return to the temple in Zion and is closely associated with the hope of the Messianic Kingdom. Concludes that this king's reign will bring about the fulfillment of God's ancient promise to Abraham to bring God's blessing to all of the nations.
C. concludes with a poem reflecting on God's promise to David, but this time in light of Israel's exile. So the poet remembers how God said he would never abandon the line of David but now he's looking at Israel's rebellion in its result and destruction and exile and the downfall of the line of David. And so the poet ends by asking God to never forget his promise to David.
D. this book responds to this crisis of exile. So the opening poem returns us back to Israel's roots with a prayer of Moses and he does what he did on Mount Sinai after the Golden Calf incident, which is to call upon God to show mercy. dominated by a group of poems that announced that the LORD, the God of Israel, reigns as the true king of the world and all creation-- trees, mountains, rivers-- are all summoned to celebrate that future day when God will bring his justice and kingdom over all the world.
E. opens with a series of poems that affirmed that God hears the cries of his people and will one day send the future king to defeat evil and bring God's kingdom. This book also contains two larger collections, one called the "hallel", the other called "the songs of ascent." Each one of these collections concludes with a poem about the future Messianic Kingdom. And these two collections together, sustain the hope for a future exodus-like act of God to redeem his people.
Book 1. A
Book 2. B
Book 3. C
Book 4. D
Book 5. E