Test Skills
"First Day Fly" short story
Wild Card Trivia

Which type of question/task does NOT appear on the PSAT?

A) Choose the best vocabulary word to fill in the blank

B) Write an essay

C) Which statement logically completes the text.

D) Which evidence best supports the author's argument.

E) Which option best completes the sentence using standard English.

B) Write an essay


Is the following sentence written in active or passive voice?

The Mets defeated the Twins by a score of 15-3.

The Mets defeated the Twins by a score of 15-3.

ACTIVE voice


Charles Harris was a photographer for the Pittsburgh Courier from 1936 to 1975. During his career he took over 70,000 photographs documenting everyday life in Pittsburgh’s Black communities. The Carnegie Museum of Art maintains thousands of his photographs, carefully ______ them so that audiences can continue to view them well into the future.

A) inventing

B) counting

C) replacing

D) preserving

D) preserving


He is getting his outfit ready for __________.

the first day of school


What is the largest bird?



The PSAT is broken into _________ sections: _____ for ELA, and ______ for math.

The PSAT is broken into __4__ sections:__2__ for ELA, and __2__ for math.


Phyllis________________________ works three jobs to afford rent in the city.

A) , my elderly neighbor,

B) my elderly neighbor

C) : my elderly neighbor

A) , my elderly neighbor,

Phyllis, my elderly neighbor, works three jobs to afford rent in the city.


Mrs. Adams had always been fond of vases, she said, and every year her husband’s Christmas present to her was a vase of one sort or another—whatever the clerk showed him, marked at about twelve or fourteen dollars.

A) stained

B) priced

C) watched

B) priced


The main character is annoyed because another student ______________.

stepped on his shoes and made them dirty.


What country gifted the Statue of Liberty to the United States?

What country gifted the Statue of Liberty to the United States?


Utilizing familiar words to help you figure out the meaning of an unfamiliar word is known as using ___________.

context clues


Tom's restaurant is one of the most ____________ places to eat in town.

A) well loved

B) well, loved

C) well-loved

C) well-loved

Tom's restaurant is one of the most well-loved places to eat in town.


It was a huge zoo, spread over numberless acres, big enough to require a train to explore it, though it seemed to get smaller as I grew older, train included.

A) extended

B) hidden

C) discussed

A) extended


Where did the main character get his jeans?

His older brother gave them to him.


What is a group of fish called?

a school


Which of the following will help you prepare for the PSAT? (Select all that apply)

A) Reading for fun

B) Taking practice tests and employing the strategies we work on in this course.

C) Reviewing grammar concepts

D) Learning new vocabulary words

E) Working hard in school and in everything you do

ALL of these will help!

A) Reading for fun

B) Taking practice tests and employing the strategies we work on in this course.

C) Reviewing grammar concepts

D) Learning new vocabulary words

E) Working hard in school and in everything you do


A) Sandy, along with Matt, was accepted to several prestigious universities.

B) Sandy, along with Matt, were accepted to several prestigious universities.

C) Sandy and Matt was accepted to several prestigious universities.

A) Sandy, along with Matt, was accepted to several prestigious universities.


In the award-winning puzzle game Monument Valley, players navigate the silent princess Ida through a series of puzzles and optical illusions. The game is known for its ______ art design: beautiful, fantastical architecture and calming pastel colors that make the game both challenging and pretty to look at.

A) mundane

B) distracting

C) intricate

C) intricate


What is a theme of the story?

A) The moments we feel most confident in life are worth remembering.

B) People should value school over anything else.

C) It is important to relive the past or you will quickly forget it.

A) The moments we feel most confident in life are worth remembering.


What is the smallest ocean in the world?

The Arctic Ocean


If two multiple choice options look correct, you should: (select all that apply)

A) check for evidence for each option

B) make sure each option answers the right question

C) Flip a coin to decide

D) Look closely to see if any part of the option is wrong because that eliminates the whole answer

E) If they are fill-in-the-blank type questions, try plugging both into the sentence to see which works best

A) check for evidence for each option

B) make sure each option answers the right question

D) Look closely to see if any part of the option is wrong because that eliminates the whole answer

E) If they are fill-in-the-blank type questions, try plugging both into the sentence to see which works best


Identify all 3 errors:

Driving through the day, the country scenery looked peaceful. After a few hours we took a break we needed something to eat. We couldn't wait to arrive at the lake so we could spend time kayaking, having campfires, and to hike up the mountain.

Driving through the day, the country scenery looked peaceful.  = dangling modifier

After a few hours we took a break we needed something to eat. = run-on sentence

We couldn't wait to arrive at the lake so we could spend time kayaking, having campfires, and to hike up the mountain. = not in parallel structure


Prior to the 20th century, many scientists believed that the continents had fixed positions on the Earth's surface. This notion was _____ by the theory of continental drift, proposed in 1912 by Alfred Wegener, who claimed that the continents were once joined together and had gradually drifted apart over millions of years.

A) validated 

B) challenged
C) explained
D) developed

B) challenged


He does not believe that you should have ___________ in your jeans.



Which vegetable is believed to help you see better?

