Prepositional Phrases
Subject-verb Agreement
Misplaced and Displaced Modifiers

What is the preposition of this sentence?:

"The cat tiptoed through the dog’s territory like a ninja."



True or False: This sentence is correct. "The dogs' tails wagged as they waited for dinner."

True, the sentence is correct


True or false: The subject agree with the verb:
"The cat and the dog wrestles for control of the remote."

No. It should be "wrestle" because two subjects require a plural verb.


Identify whether the modifier in this sentence is misplaced or dangling: "Running through the park, the flowers were beautiful."

"Running through the park" doesn't modify anything in the sentence, so it is dangling.


Use the word "conundrum" in a sentence.

"Deciding between pizza and tacos for dinner felt like a life-or-death conundrum."


Identify the object of the preposition: "He accidentally placed the pizza on the dog instead of the table."



True or false: This sentence is grammatically correct: "The geeses' honking could be heard from miles away."

"The geese's honking could be heard from miles away."


Choose the correct verb: "Each of the penguins (is/are) wearing a tiny top hat."

"Is" (Each is the subject, not penguins, and "each" is always singular).


Correct the dangling modifier in this sentence:
"After finishing the book, the movie was much better."

After finishing the book, I found the movie was much better.


Use the word "fortuitous" in a sentence.

My teacher being absent on a quiz way was fortuitous."


How many prepositional phrases are in the following sentence: "During the meeting under the giant chandelier, the cat hid behind the couch and plotted against the dog with a laser pointer."



Correct the apostrophe usage:
"The mices and deers paths intersected in the woods, leaving tracks everywhere."

"The mice’s and deer’s paths intersected in the woods, leaving tracks everywhere."


Identify the correct verb: "Neither the clowns nor the ringmaster (was/were) able to stop the popcorn fight."

"Was" (When two subjects are connected with "or" or "nor," the verb agrees with the subject closest to it. In this case, it is "ringmaster," which is singular).


Fix the misplaced modifier in this sentence:
"To impress the judges, the baker made a cake for the contest with intricate designs."

"To impress the judges, the baker made a cake with intricate designs for the contest." (The modifier should clearly describe the cake being made for the contest).


What does the bolded word most nearly mean? "Finding a parking spot right in front of the mall was such an aberration that I actually checked to make sure it was awake."

Aberration - different from the norm


Identify the preposition and the object: "After the epic Netflix binge, we went for tacos."

The preposition is "after" and the object is "binge"


Where should the apostrophes go? "All of the mens coats were hung on the racks, but the ladies coats were left in their cars."

"All of the men’s coats were hung on the racks, but the ladies' coats were left in their cars."


Choose the correct verb: "The basket of puppies and kittens (is/are) making quite a mess in the living room."

"Is" (The subject "basket" is singular, and the prepositional phrase "of puppies and kittens" does not affect the singular subject "basket.")


Correct the misplaced modifier in this sentence:
"With a loud crash, the chef dropped the cake he had decorated on the floor."

"The chef, who had decorated the cake, dropped it on the floor with a loud crash." 


What does the bolded word most nearly mean? "My perfidious cat knocked over the sculpture I was working on the day before my art contest."

Perfidious - Tending to betray


Give an example of a prepositional phrase that is acting as an adjective.

Example: "The sandwich in the fridge is old enough to vote."


Create a quadruple contraction by combining four words within the following sentence: "He said he would not have cared even if you showed up."

"He said he'dn't've cared if you had showed up." 


"Scattered throughout the backstage area, the cast (is/are) rehearsing their lines for the upcoming play."

A: "Are" (The collective noun "cast" is acting as individuals, so a plural verb is used).

"Are" (The collective noun "cast" is acting as individuals, so a plural verb is used).


Correct the squinting modifier in this sentence:
"Reading the book, the characters seemed to come alive in the Jim's imagination."

"Reading the book, Jim found that the characters seemed to come alive in his imagination."


Correctly use the word ephemeral in a sentence.

"I found the perfect avocado, but my joy was ephemeral because by the time I got home, it was already mushy."
