Name That Theorist
The "-isms"
Princes & Governments
Religion's Role
The Social Contract

This theorist believed that people should vote in line with the general will, which might not be what we want, but is what we need.

Who is Rousseau?


Marx said this economic system, which seeks to maximize profit, alienates the masses and will ultimately be overthrown in the move towards a classless society.

What is capitalism?


Despite writing a book on how to be an effective prince, this theorist also wrote in favor of a republic government to keep institutions stable.

Who is Machiavelli?


Locke argued in favor of religious toleration to increase peace in a society, except in the case of whom?



While Locke saw the state of nature as largely peaceful, he believes the formation of government is important to protect what?



This theorist believed the state cannot interfere with people's liberty unless it is to prevent harm to others.

Who is Mill?


A favorite of Locke and Mill, this political philosophy favors limited government, a private sphere, and inalienable rights.

What is liberalism?


Mill believed this form of government is the best because it gives everyone reason and ability to participate in government.

What is representative democracy?


Rousseau believed that this could foster civic virtue through shared beliefs in things like a deity and an afterlife.

What is civil/civic religion?


Locke said a government can be unjust and therefore dissolved, while this theorist says the government is always just and cannot be overthrown.

Who is Hobbes?


This theorist advocated for the abolition of property and inheritance, among other things, to raise the working class to the "ruling class."

Who is Marx?


Burke supported this political philosophy, which adheres to tradition, no limits on government, and no individual rights.

What is conservatism?


This theorist believed a prince should possess wisdom, kindness, and concern for the well-being of the people.

Who is Erasmus?


This theorist saw religion as deeply personal and that the government should not dictate people's beliefs, as they would not be genuine if forced.

Who is Locke?


Hobbes saw the state of nature as total war, and believes that people's fear of this drives them to form the social contract.

What is death?


This theorist believed the goal of society is to maximize pleasure and minimize pain.

Who is Bentham?


Bentham is considered the founder of this political philosophy that maximizes the well-being of the most amount of people.

What is utilitarianism?


This theorist was in favor of monarchies, arguing that they can provide stability because of their long tradition and training in ruling.

Who is Burke?


These two theorists agree that mandatory religion could be useful in maintaining the cohesion of a society.

Who are Rousseau and Machiavelli?


Rousseau believed that once we leave the state of nature and form a government, it causes what? (Hint: Locke says we consent to this when we join the social contract)

What is inequality?


This theorist argued that revolutions end in "bad rule" and that societies should instead progress naturally and slowly.

Who is Burke?


Machiavelli took this different approach to politics than others at the time, which focused on practical solutions instead of ethical or moral principles. (Remember: the ends justify the means).

What is pragmatism?


Hobbes believed a strong and unlimited government is needed for security and stability. This government, known as the Leviathan, should be just, but if it isn't, that is the fault of who?

The authors (or creators of the social contract)


While not a religious man himself, this theorist believed that religion could be beneficial as long as it fostered social progress.

Who is Mill?


Hobbes said reason leads to this, while Locke said we all already understand it through our reason.

What is natural law?
