The Totally Complete History of the World
The Three I's
Causes of War
Domestic Politics

The period of 1815-1914 is better characterized as this.

Bonus: What were interactions like?

What is the Pax Britannica?

Bonus: Britain as the hegemon dominated the field, trade went up, wars went down, early forms of cooperation were had via the Concert of Europe.


These are "The Three I's"

What are Interests, Interactions, and Institutions?


The reason that countries go to war.

Bonus: The three reasons this may occur.

What is: Bargaining Failure?

Bonus: What are Incomplete Information, Commitment Problems, Issue Indivisibility?


The finding that democracies are more peaceful with one another is called this.

What is the Democratic Peace?


This is the political unit of analysis that we have primarily been focusing on thus far this semester.

What is the state?


The Treaty of Westphalia in 1648 ended the 30 Years War and established these.

Hint: Two potential answers

What is the early modern state system?

What is sovereignty?


These are the commonly assigned interests of states.

Hint: Look at Table 2.1 in your Textbook on Page 51

What are security, power, wealth, or ideology?

These are the ways that credible signals could be sent between states to solve the information problem.

What are: tying hands/audience costs, brinkmanship, paying for power?


The two types of reasons that democracies do not fight one another.

What are democratic norms and democratic institutions?


According to economists, we live in a world of this:

What is scarcity?


The reason that states have no immediate incentive(s) to cooperate regardless of the institutions in place.

Hint: think of the system

What is anarchy?

Remember, anarchy just means no world government. So states must figure out other ways to overcome their problems.


This is the main focus of the interaction between actors when playing stag hunt.

What is assurance?


Territorial insecurity is often considered to contribute to conflict onset via the bargaining model in this way.

What is issue indivisibility?


This is the "Interests" based approach to understanding why wars happen from a domestic politics perspective.

Bonus: List some of the actors involved here.

What is: "Some actors within a state benefit more from war than others"?

Bonus: Bureaucracies, Government Actors, Economic Elites, Military Industrial Complex, Interest Groups, etc.


The three games we may play in international relations.

What is the prisoner's dilemma, chicken, and stag hunt?


The economic doctrine of the earliest period we've examined: 1492-1815.

Bonus: What types of policy should states favor under this?

What is Mercantilism?

Bonus: Exports and Military Power are key


The two broad categories that contain the various types of interactions.

What are cooperation and bargaining?


Actor A's ability to prevent an action by Actor B via force or the threat of force is the definition of this critical concept.

What is deterrence?


When politicians or political leaders spark wars abroad in the attempt to garner domestic support, they are often accused of attempting this.

Hint: It is a theory of war.

What is a diversionary war?

Hint: Diversionary Theory of War


As the number of actors increases, cooperation and coordination becomes more difficult, this is known as this key term.

What is the collective action problem?


The Post-Cold war period can be described by this type of polarity.

What is unipolarity?


According to Douglas North, this is how we define institutions.

What is: "The rules of the game."


International institutions, such as the WTO or UN, can help states overcome this.

What is the credible commitment problem?


This is how domestic bureaucratic interests may affect the bargaining model.

What is: they may narrow or enlarge the bargaining range. They do not cause war. Context is key.


The key way to distinguish between bargaining and cooperation.

Bargaining is often zero-sum, whereas Cooperation can lead to mutually beneficial outcomes.
