Porch Concierge is open from __ to ___
7am to 10pm Est
Since its partnership Porch and PSE&G NJ have assisted how many customers?
A) 80,000
B) 110,000
C) Over 110,000
D) 130,000
C) 131,000
Porch concierges can connect PSE&G NJ customers with ____ major Internet Providers nation wide
Deliver the suggested Transfer Script
"Now that your move request is completed, I can transfer you to a complimentary Move Specialist who can assist you with any additional moving needs, is that okay?"
How many hours can a customer save by using Porch?
3+ hours
This Porch Service can help customers clean gutters, trim trees, hang TVs and so much more?
Porch and PSE&G NJ have been Partnering together since
January of What year?
The top Supervisors (3 NIAC, 1 SIAC) with the highest ______ for the month of February will receive a $50 GiftoGram giftcard.
Transfer Rate
In 2021 Porch added this renters coverage to our list of offerings and have since enrolled over 8,000 customers nationwide.
Renters Insurance
What is the Average CSAT (Customer Satisfaction) Score for PSE&G NJ customers referred to Porch?
If a CSR has a Transfer rate of 35% for the month of February, how much will they receive in GiftoGram?
20% - 30% = $15 GiftoGram
31% - 40% = $25 GiftoGram
41% -50 % = $35 GiftoGram
51% + = $50 GiftoGram
This service provided by Porch is the 2nd most popular product offering to PSE&G NJ customers.
Worry Free
#1 - Internet
#2 - Warranty
#3 - TV
Give a rebuttal for a customer who says they are too busy to be transferred.
short hold times, call back, send form to Porch, give phone number.
According to a study done by the Employee Relocation Council. This is the third most stressful time in a person's life.
Name 5 home services Porch can assist PSE&G NJ customers with.
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