What organ in the body controls most of the body's functions, including thought, memory, emotion, movement, and the five senses?
The Brain Bro
What is the bystander effect?
Less likely to help someone in need when others are present
Don't be a bystander!
What is the placebo effect?
Treatment working due to belief that it will work
I would treat you well though ;)
Which brain structure is primarily involved in controlling emotions and associated with fight or flight?
if u got it wrong: u suck
if u got it right: u still suck
What is often known as the “Love Hormone”?
What is the mere exposure effect?
Preference for familiar things from repeated exposure
If you come to our meetings.. you'll start liking us more :D
What is the self-serving bias?
Attribute successes to your own abilities and failures to external things
not that you have any successes to be biased about
What lobe of the brain interprets visual information?
Occipital Lobe
I think my occipital lobe haywires when i see u ;)
What is cognitive dissonance?
Discomfort from conflicting beliefs and actions
What does the halo effect influence?
Positive opinion in other areas based on a positive impression in one area
Did it hurt when you fell from heaven, because you have a halo (effect)!
What is the "false consensus" effect?
Thinking others share our beliefs more than they actually do
sharing is caring :D
What is the largest lobe in the brain?
Frontal Lobe
I know something else that's larger.. My heart ofc :D
What does the word “psychology” originate from?
Greek words “psyche” and “logos”
What are the 5 Gestalt principles? (hehe)
What is the sunk cost fallacy?
Sticking with something because of past investments (financial, time, effort, etc.)
Psi Alpha Members will never sink though fr!
What is the difference between Wernicke's area and Broca's area?
Wernicke's area: controls the ability to understand the meaning of words
Broca's area: controls the ability to speak those words.
Bet you didn't get that
How many neurons are estimated to be in the human brain?
86 billion (Maybe not u tho)
What is the fundamental attribution error?
Blaming personality over the situation
our personality is being unfunny :/
What is the Hawthorne effect?
Changing behavior when being watched
I'd love to watch you ;)
How many pairs of cranial nerves are in the brain?
12 inches... are on a ruler!