Name two other members you've met in Psi Chi
The psychologist who came up with the concept of the id, ego and superego
Who is... Sigmund Freud
This professor owns many fish tanks and often talks about these creatures
Who is... Benjamin Blankenship
Shows all of the courses, credits, and requirements for the psych major at JMU
What is the psych major checklist
Who's office is banished in the basement
Jeff Dyche
"Psyche" means
mind (scholarship and enrichment)
Who is... Ivan Pavlov
This professor won an award for outstanding teaching and will be giving a commencement speech this year
Who is... Dr. Melanie Shoup-Knox
next to counseling center, features massage chairs, waterfalls and meditation pillows
What is the oasis
Burruss, Duke, Carrier, Rose, Miller and ____
Who is Alger
"Cheires" means
hands (fellowship and research)
A neural center located in the limbo system that helps process explicit memories for storage
What is... the hippocampus
This professor has an Irish accent, how fun
Who is... Dr. Claire Lyons
The name of the Psych Librarian
Liz Chenevey
The highest grossing film of all time
What is Avengers Endgame?
Exec elections will be held
Name one school of psychology
What is...
Gestalt psychology
Behavioral psychology
Humanistic psychology
Cognitive psychology
Name the new head of the Psychology Department
Who is... Jessica Salvatore
Located on the first floor, where you can get class advice from friends
Where is The Psych Peer Advisors
The shark emoji
what is the best emoji ever?
This many grants are offered each semester
What are... 2!
Name 2 levels of Maslow's hierarchy of needs
What are... physiological, safety, love/belongingness, esteem, self-actualization
Name as many psychology professors as you can in ten seconds
Seminar, Laboratory, History, Field Placement,
What are the psychology capstone classes?
Run and get a paper for travel grants from the front office
Slive thank you