This gender category is more likely to have insufficient levels of physical activity worldwide.
Who are females?
Fear of pain and physical exertion is an example of this type of barrier to physical activity.
What are psychological barriers?
This compelled humans to be physically active in pre-agricultural societies.
What is survival (hunting & gathering / warfare)?
The first modern Olympics were hosted in this year.
What is 1896?
This athlete won a silver medal in the Men’s Running Broad Jump at the 1936 Berlin Olympics.
Who is Luz Long?
Coronary Artery Disease, Type 2 Diabetes and Osteoporosis are examples of this type of illness.
What are lifestyle diseases?
Human-made settings that encourage passive transportation (e.g. cars & public transit) are examples of this category of barriers to physical activity.
What are environmental barriers?
This civilization was the first to pursue physical activity for the sake of its physical as well as mental benefits.
What is Ancient Greece?
This tournament invites elite athletes with physical disabilities.
What is the Paralympics?
Betty Robinson won the first ever gold medal for Women in olympic track and field in 1928. She then overcame this serious accident before competing in the 1936 Berlin Olympics.
What is a plane crash?
Inactivity-related diseases cost the Canadian health care system approximately this much per year.
What is 6-7 million (6.76M)?
These are two examples of the mental benefits of regular physical activity & healthy eating.
What are (2 of...): Reduced Stress/Depression, Improved Self-Image, Improved Concentration/Memory, Increased Productivity, Slowed Brain Aging
Italian physician Vittorino da Feltre started the first childhood physical education classes in this year.
What is 1420?
This is the main factor in the emergence of the modern sports fan.
What is industrialization?
Conn Smythe said this when asked if he would sign Herbert Carnegie to the Toronto Maple Leafs.
What is "I’d give $10,000 to any man that could turn him white."?
This percentage of people in Canada do not achieve sufficient weekly physical activity.
What is 30-39%?
These are 3 examples of personal barriers to physical activity.
What are (3 of...): Lack of Time, Lack of Energy, Poor Diet, No Access to Gym Equipment, Financial Constraints.
These two groups of people were excluded from participating in sport during the Victorian Era.
Who are lower classes and women?
This is the main source of income for professional sports teams.
What are sponsors/advertising?
This athlete won the gold medal in the Men’s High Jump at the 1936 Berlin Olynpics.
Who is Cornelius Johnson?
These are the six main causes for the twin problems of inactivity and obesity.
What are Urbanization, Motorized Transport, Mechanized Labour, Sedentarism, Processed Foods and Increased Portion Size.
This is the definition of physical literacy.
What is the motivation, confidence, physical competence, knowledge, and understanding to value and take responsibility for engagement in physical activities for life?
These two major sporting events showcase indigenous competitions.
What are the Arctic Winter Games & North American Indigenous Games?
Penned by Pierre de Coubertin, these six goals summarize the philosophy of the olympic movement.
What are Mass Participation, Sport as Education, Fair Play, Cultural Exchange, International Understanding and Excellence?
This athlete cut her hair and changed her name to sneak into a boys’ hockey league.
Who is Abby Hoffman?