New Car Scent
Not your Father's ITC
Associates of the Tax
Inspiring Hiring

This is the new CE deadline for ALL associates.    You can now enjoy your Thanksgiving meal without worry...

What is December 15th, 2024?


The virtual ITC course will now take place over this many weeks.   If you can't remember, take 3*100, divide by 4, subtract 70, then add 1.

What is 6 weeks?

This year, each District has one of these to help support their students and strengthen the connection to your offices.    In the past, they could have been anywhere in the, they are right in your backyard!

What are "District Virtual Instructors?"


Something we can always take better advantage of, these great candidates have nearly double the graduation rate of the rest of the candidate pool?

What are referrals?


Want your salad "Picksburg Style"?   Then expect these on top of it...

What are "French Fries?"


The new Tax Associate role replaces both of these positions.

What are First Year Tax Professionals and Accelerated Tax Professionals?


In addition to the change of the amount of weeks in the instructor-led virtual ITC, this year's ITC will now be this many hours...

What is 40 hours?


Your Tax Associate Advocate will have a total of this many hours budgeted to support your Tax Associates?

What is 120 hours?


This wonderful application is sometimes forgotten about, but will have great "now hiring" collateral available for you!

What is "FAMS?"


This structure may appear to be one of many in Pittsburgh, but it sets itself apart in it's ability to introduce you to town from the Fort Pitt Tunnel, and give you a few brief seconds to determine how you'd like to proceed.    4 options, 300 feet...good luck!

What is the Fort Pitt Bridge?


Roses are red, violets are blue, as they say.   But it will be only be this many CE hours that will be due...

What is 10 hours?


This is the first step an ITC lead should take in beginning their journey with H&R Block...

What is "apply for a Tax Associate Position"?


Our goal by adding Tax Associate Advocates is to reduce attrition for our Tax Associates by this percentage versus prior year?

What is 10%?


If you've worked in the last three Tax Seasons, we consider you this.    And no, not the manager of a baseball team or what you do between hop and jump.   This makes you so special that your cert level is retained!

What are "skippers"?


If you happen to stop by a Primanti Brothers restaurant in town, you see that the cheesesteak is marked as the #2 seller.    This is the #1 seller...

What is Iron City Beer?


You never forget how to ride a bike, once you've learned.    Once you've certified to be this, you never have to certify again!

What is Small Business Certification?


This training is a brand new, 20-hour paid training course exclusively for Tax Associates that will begin in January.

What is Core Concepts?


TKA Candidates must pass both parts one and two of the exams with this score (or higher)...

What is 80%


From a planning perspective, we expect this many ITC leads to be necessary to generate one "hire" for Tax Season?

What is "13"?


Heinz is synonymous with Pittsburgh history, and it's 57 flavors (products) were once shipped all over the world from right here.    While known for Catsup (Ketchup), it was in fact this product that they first produced and sold to the public?

What is Horseradish?


As a way to ensure a smooth transition for our new Tax Professionals, the newly-created Tax Associate advocate will support the new associates in your district between these months.

What are December through April?


Under this year's structure, Tax Associates will be able to earn up to this much money in bonus, if they meet the prescribed requirements?

What is $750?


There are three separate components to the Tax Associate receiving a bonus.   To receive the first $100, they must do this...

What is "Pass the Tax Specialist Certification Test?"


This is the date that our Prior Tax Pros, Tax Associates, MTL's and TL's officially "start" for Tax Season 25.   Call it, "V for Vendetta Eve"...

What is November 4th?


In 1995, this movie starring Jean-Claude Van Damme was shot in Pittsburgh, much of it in the old Civic Arena, home of the Penguins, and even cast some of the team and announcers in the film...

What is "Sudden Death"?
