Stories from Scripture
Life of Jesus
You Should Know This!

This saint lived and served in Calcutta where she helped thousands of poor, sick, and dying people on the streets

Mother Teresa


This is a word that means "a story that teaches a moral or religious lesson. It often uses everyday events or objects to explain important truths.



According to the Gospels, where did Jesus go after he was baptized

The Desert


A word that means the "Anointed One" or "Savior"



This saint was a Hungarian princess known for her kindness, goodness, modesty, and generosity to the poor. She devoted her life to helping the poor people of Hungary, and built a hospital to devote herself to the sick and dying

St. Elizabeth of Hungary


This parable is about a man beaten and left on the side of the road. Two men pass by, but one man, unlikely to help, stops and cares for that dying man. 

Parable of the Good Samaritan


Whom did Jesus raise from the dead after four days?



Word that means: "to take on human flesh," the Son of God becoming man without giving up being God



This saint was a fierce warrior and fought for France as a heroic soldier faithful to God. This saint was eventually captured by the English and burned at the stake

St. Joan of Arc


Matthew 13:31-32 says: “The kingdom of heaven is like a ________, which a man took and planted in his field. Though it is the smallest of all your seeds, yet when it grows, it is the largest of garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and perch in its branches.”

Mustard Seed


This is the first temptation from the Devil towards Jesus in the desert

Turning stone into bread


An ability to know and judge what is right and what is wrong



This saint was a Polish Franciscan friar who volunteered to die in place of a stranger in the German death camp of Auschwitz during WWII

Saint Maximillian Kolbe


Name the parable about a man who had two sons, and what happens to the younger son

Parable of the Prodigal Son

Explain what Jesus does during the Wedding at Cana

Mary approaches Jesus and tell him that the bride and groom ran out of wine. Jesus says "woman, what do you want me to do?," Mary turns to the servants and says, "Do whatever he tells you." So Jesus tells them to fill three large jars with water, and he turns the water into wine. This was the first miracle of Jesus and shortly after, he begins his mission.


A serious act against God's law that separates us from God's grace and normally requires the Sacrament of Reconciliation to be forgiven

Mortal Sin


This saint was a polish priest who loved being outdoors, hiking, kayaking, skiing, and camping with friends before he became one of the most known and loved catholic popes to have ever lived.

St. John Paul the Great, or Pope John Paul II


This parable tells the story of a sower who scatters seeds on four different types of grounds. What are those four grounds and tell what happens to one of those seeds

1. Seeds thrown on hard ground that were snatched up by birds.

2. Seeds thrown on stony ground which began to grow, however it could not grow deep roots and withered in the sun

3.Seeds thrown among thorns, the seeds could plant and grow, but it could not compete with the amount of thorns that overtook it.

4. Seeds thrown into good soil which allowed the seed to plant, grow and produce fruit


Name the 3 main reasons Jesus came down from heaven to live among us

1. To save us

2. To know God's Love

3. To be our Model of Holiness


Word that describes the period of three days that begins with the liturgy on the evening of Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and ends on Easter Sunday.

