When are ELA PSSA's?
Week 1
April 22-25
When I'm done, I should first...
Check my work.
If I don't know the answer to a question, I should...
Try to answer the question anyway
What does a good breakfast look like?
Protein, carbs, fills you up, not a ton of sugar, not a ton of caffeine
What are the PSSA Tickets used for?
Turn them in to win prizes!
What is day 1 of PSSA's?
Section 1 and 2 of ELA PSSA's
After I checked my work and I am done, I should...
Close my booklet and wait for my teacher to collect it.
When can you talk with others about questions on the test?
Never! Even after the test is over, you should not talk about the test questions.
What should you do the night before the test?
Get a good night's sleep!
How do you earn PSSA Tickets?
Showing great testing strategies
When are Math PSSA's?
Week 2
April 29 - May 2
True or False: After my booklet is collected, I can color or draw.
False. You are not permitted to color while others are still testing.
How should you fill in the bubbles of the test?
Completely fill in the bubble and completely erase any answers you changed.
What is a good strategy to use before you get the test?
Relax, calm yourself down, positive self-talk
Tell us 3 good testing strategies.
Carefully read each question
Underline key phrases
Show your work
Use graphic organizers
Double check your work
Follow all directions
Stay focused
Stay relaxed
Use process of elimination
When are Science PSSA's?
Week 3
May 6 - May 9
True or False: After my test is collected, I can take a nap.
True. Absolutely, when you're test has been finished and collected, you may take a nap.
Can you post information about the test on social media?
Absolutely not!
What kind of writing utensil should be used?
Only a #2 pencil
What could you win with your PSSA tickets?
Raffle Baskets
Play in a basketball game
Fun activities after testing
Who takes the Science PSSA's?
4th and 8th Grade Students
True or False: After my test has been collected, I can read for fun.
True! You can read a fiction book when you are finished.
What should you do with any electronic devices?
Leave them home, turn them off and put them in your locker, or turn them off and give it to your teacher.
What else should you have on your desk for the test?
A calculator if it is permitted for the test, graphic organizers, scratch paper. Nothing else!
How many school days are left after PSSA Testing is over (From May 13th)?