Figuratively Speaking
Reading Mix
Parts of a story.
Misc. Vocab
Poetry Please
My grandmother's hands were as wrinkled as an old paper bag.
What is a simile. Remember - just because it has the words like or as does not make it a simile. If it does not compare two unlike things it is not a simile. EX. Ronald ran as fast as he could.
The spring air was fresh and clean, and the sun was warming the hillside. Flowers were beginning to bloom, forming a rainbow of colors throughout the meadows. All the animals were coming out from their homes to welcome the new morning, and I knew this was going to be a wonderful day as I peeked out of my tent. What can you generalize about the author’s opinion? a.The author lives in California. c.The author is camping. b.The author is a man. d.The author is tired.
What is c.The author is camping?
The people or animals (or objects or robots or fairies, etc) that the story is about.
What are characters. Remember the main character (s) is the one that faces the problem or conflict in the story.
The reason something happened and the result of what happened.
What is Cause and Effect? Remember cause is the action or event and effect is what happens as a result of the event or action.
The flow of the beat in a poem.
What is rhythm in a poem?
Mrs. Wertelet is a troll in the morning.
What is a metaphor. Remember a metaphor suggests a comparison by telling you something is something else.
This is written in the _________ person. Jim was going to the store. He had to buy some milk.
What is third person limited. Remember third person is when the narrator is not part of the action. You will see pronouns like "he", "she", "they". Limited allows us to only know the thoughts and feelings of one character.
When and where a story takes place.
What is the setting.
the order in which things happen
What is sequence?
A group of lines in a poem.
What is a stanza?
The kite sailed happily up into the clear, blue sky.
What is personification. Remember personification is when an animal, object, or abstract idea is given human qualities.
The words jacket, jackknife, jack, jackhammer, jackal alphabetized.
What is jack, jackal, jackhammer, jackknife?
The sequence of events in the story.
What is the plot.
An extreme exaggeration. Example: He thought of a million ideas in one second.
What is a hyperbole.
A poem, or stanza in a poem, written in two lines that rhymes.
What is a couplet?
My back is like a cement block.
What is a simile.
George Washington was a great man. He was the first president of the United States. We have been studying presidents in social studies class, and we are currently doing research on Ronald Reagan. He was an actor before he got into politics. Which is a statement of opinion?
What is George Washington was a great man?
The turning point in the action of the story. Usually it is the most exciting part.
What is the climax.
The central idea or meaning of a story or article.
What is the theme.
Rhyming words that appear in every two lines together.
What is a couplet?
The wind howled outside and the thunder grumbled.
What is personification.
The unicorn frolicked in the leaves waiting for his friend, the eagle to join him. (Authors purpose)
What is to entertain?
It was January in a very small town in Pennsylvania.
What is the setting.
A determination the reader makes about what is happening, based on information and evidence presented in the passage but not directly stated.
What is an inference.
"A red ruby red ruled the city."
What is alliteration. Remember alliteration is the repitition of initial sounds usually used in poetry. It is not just the repetition of initial consonants - for example "but flint holds fire" and "a sapphire shines as blue as heaven" are not examples of alliteration.