Author's Purpose
Stages of Plot
Making Inferences/Tone/Theme/
Smarty Card Tips
Figurative Language
Setting/Characterization/Smarty Card Tips cont'd
I write this because I want to convince my audience of my opinion.
What is to persuade?
What part of the stages of plot is it when the sun rises after the girl's classmates lock her in the locker, and they stare in amazement in the story "Venus,"
What is falling action?
These two clues will help me make inferences.
What are clues from the text and what is background knowledge?
The following is an example of what type of figurative language: The kitten is a cloud, soft and fluffy.
What is a metaphor
Read the following passage from the story "The Horse Snake": The silent darkness outside became less threatening. Nevertheless, we were still too scared to sleep in our room, so my mother made a makeshift bed in the sitting room, close to her and our grandmother. These two details help me visualize the setting?
What is "silent darkness outside" and "makeshift bed"
An author usually has this purpose when he or she writes a newspaper article.
What is to inform?
In the story, "The School Play," Robert seems to always forget his lines. In the stages of plot, this would be an example of what?
What is rising action?
These are examples of an author's attitude toward a subject: cheerful, compassionate, angry, happy, etc.
What is tone?
The use of this type of figurative language is an example of an exaggeration.
What is a hyperbole?
These two elements make up the setting of a story.
What are time and place?
I would use this type of author's purpose to tell a story to my audience.
What is to entertain?
The characters and the setting are introduced in this stage of a plot.
What is the exposition?
The following is an example of what? Love can help people solve their differences.
What is theme?
Use this when you compare two things using the words "like" or "as"
What is a simile
A character's physical appearance, thoughts, speech and actions are an example of what?
What is characterization?
An author has one of these purposes when he or she writes.
What is persuade, inform or entertain?
The following are the first letters of each of the 5 stages of plot: E R A C F A R
What is exposition, rising action, climax, falling action and resolution?
Tip #1 says to do the following: Underline or check the words or numbers where you see something you need to answer the question. What does this tip suggest you do?
What is Check and See?
______ is the use of words that sound like the noises they describe.
What is onomatopoeia?
The following is an example of what? When you have to write out your answer, begin by turning the question into a telling sentence. (Hint: You've done this at least 20 different times)
What is TAGing the prompt?
Home Links #22, "The Woman Pharaoh" was about Hatshesput, the greatest queen of Egypt. The author wrote this story to inform the audience about what?
What is- why she was considered to be the greatest queen of Egypt? or What were her accomplishments?
The villagers surround the snake in the open field in order to capture and kill it in the story "The Horse Snake." What part of the stages of plot is this?
What is resolution?
Smarty Card Tip #2 suggests that you read the question before you look at the answers. Underline or check the key words that you need to think through the problem. When taking a test, what are you supposed to do?
What is Answer the Right Question?
The following is an example of what type of figurative language: The camera loves me!
What is personification
This is Smarty Card tip #7: If you can eliminate two choices, it pays to guess. First, eliminate answers you know are wrong. One of the remaining answers has to be correct. What are you doing?
What is Guess Right?