Drawing Conclusions
Making Inferences
The best way to fight fires is with a fire fighter. These people have been trained how to fight fires. They have all the equipment and can be there in a few minutes. Many times when a fire starts, people hesitate to call the fire department. They try to put out the fire alone. Sometimes this is a mistake. Fires grow very rapidly. It is much safer to call early about a small fire than wait until later when the fire is much bigger. Even if the fire is out, it does not hurt to have the fire department make sure that it is out. Many times people have thought that they had put out a little fire, only to have it rekindle itself into a big one later on. To make sure a fire is out, it is safer to call on the fire department. Why is it good to call the fire department early? a) they need a lot of time b) fires grow rapidly c) you may have to take turns
What is B: fires grow rapidly
Have you ever seen a camel in a zoo? Which kind did you see? One kind of camel is called a dromedary. It has one hump. The other is called the Bactrian camel. It has two humps. The dromedary is taller and faster than the Bactrian camel. But the Bactrian camel is stronger. It can carry a much heavier load. Both camels can go several days without eating or drinking. They can store food in their humps. Camels used to be very important in some desert countries. People used them for transportation and food. But today most people in the countries cross the desert in trucks and eat food from cans. If a dromedary goes several days without eating a) it dies b) it grows a second hump c) its hump gets smaller
What is C) its hump gets smaller
Add a prefix to VIEW to make a word that means to look at before
What is PRE-view
When I got home from school after a long boring day, I took out the peanut butter, jelly, and bread. After taking the lid off of the jars, I spread the peanut butter on one side of the bread and the jelly on the other, and then I put the two pieces of bread together. After that, I enjoyed it while watching “Cops” on the TV. I swear, that was the best peanut butter and jelly sandwich I ever ate. This structure of this text is best described as a) cause and effect b) sequence c) problem and solution
What is b) sequence
Jan saw many rabbits in her garden. The most likely cause is a) the rabbits like Jan b) Jan liked to grow rabbits c) the rabbits liked to eat carrots from the garden
What is c) the rabbits liked to eat carrots from the garden
People have many uses for oil. Most of them are good uses. Oil keeps our houses warm. It runs our cars, buses, and airplanes. But sometimes things that come from oil are not good. One of these is pollution. Oil helps pollute our seas and air. Sometimes when oil is carried across seas, it is spilled into the waters. This kills many fish and birds. When oil is used to run cars and airplanes, it makes the air very dirty. It also puts a poisonous gas into the air. This gas is not good for people. It makes it harder for people to breathe. People must sill use oil. But they are trying to find ways that will keep it from making so much pollution. People and pollution cannot live together. Why is dirty air from from oil not good for people? a) it kills fish b) it pollutes the water c) it makes it difficult to breathe
What is C it makes it harder to breathe
Supermarkets are an American invention. In most other countries, they are found only in the biggest cities, if there are any at all. When shopping in these countries, people must make several stops. They'll go to one store for meat, another for bread, a third for vegetables, and a fourth for dairy foods. Some cities have market areas, where a different kind of goods will be sold on each street. In some parts of the world, there are not fixed prices. The buyer and seller will bargain, each trying to make the best deal. This is called haggling. People have to be good at haggling to earn a living. But in some ways it's also like a game. If the buyer isn't good at haggling, he or she will a) probably pay more than the goods are worth b) make the best deal c) go to a supermarket next time
What is A) probably pay more than the goods are worth
Add a suffix to the word COLOR to make a word that means without color
A synonym for exhilarated
What is happy
Giant Chinese pandas are always found in or near bamboo forests. The cause is most likely a) pandas are afraid of bamboo b) Pandas like to eat bamboo c) bamboo grows in the city
What is b) pandas like to eat bamboo
There are a lot of legends about strange creatures. One of the most popular is the legend of Bigfoot. Bigfoot is believed to be a large, hairy creature that roams the forests of the Pacific Northwest. Does Bigfoot really exist? Most scientists doubt that it does. They feel that if a creature like Bigfoot did exist, there would be more evidence. They point out that the only evidence so far has been a few strange photographs and footprints. These could be cleaver hoaxes. But there are some people who say that they have really seen Bigfoot. These people believe that the creature does exist. They point out that all the sightings might not be hoaxes. For now the legend of Bigfoot seems to be what you choose to believe. And it will probably stay that way, until the existence of Bigfoot is established one way or the other. What would it take to make Bigfoot a recognized creature? a) bigger footprints b) better photographs c) a Bigfoot creature
What is C a Bigfoot creature
There is a famous collection of stories called The Thousand-and-One Nights. These stories come from Persia, and are supposed to have been written by a woman named Scheherazade. According to legend, Scheherazade was the bride of a king known for his cruelty. He would marry a woman one day, and have her killed the next morning. One day he decided to marry Scheherazade. On their wedding night, Scheherazade began telling a story to entertain her young sister. As she had hoped, the king liked the story too. She stopped at the most exciting point, so the king let her live one more day to finish. She finished it the next evening and began another story. in this way she kept the king interested for 1001 nights. By the end of this time he had decided not to kill her. You have probably enjoyed Scheherazade's stores, too. Some of them are "Aladdin's Magic Lamp," "Sinbad the Sailor," and "Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves." Scheherazade probably married the king because she a) was forced to b) wanted to get away from her family c) wanted someone to listen to her stories
What is a) was forced to
What is the prefix, suffix, and root word in the word UNBELIEVABLE
What is Prefix: un; Suffix: able Root Word: believe
a synonym for eccentric
What is odd, unusual,or different
Scientists, experimenting on the fruit fly, have been able to make discoveries about genetics. The most likely cause, or reason is a) the scientists are unable to keep the fruit flies in a cage b) fruit flies eat tons of grapes every year c) fruit flies pass through many generations in a short time
What is c) fruit flies pass through many generations in a short time
Turkey Irish is a secret language. It is easy to learn, but it takes a lot of practice to become proficient at it. You build words from the same language we use every day. There is really only one change made when English is translated into Turkey Irish. You put the letters "AB" before each vowel (A E I O U) in the word. A word like "can" which has a vowel "a" in it, is "caban" in Turkey Irish. "Bit", which has the vowel "a" in it, is "babit". Sometimes words with a lot of vowels may give you trouble. They can be real tongue twisters. It is better to take words like this as they sound, instead of as they are spelled. It is usually easier this way. Once you get the hang of it, you will be able to do it faster and faster. How do you say "Turkey Irish is tricky" in Turkey Irish?
What is Taburkabey abIrabish abis trabicky
President Grover Cleveland loved to go fishing. He liked to have his picture taken weighing a big fish, and would always brag about the size of the fish he caught. When his second child was born, his wife asked the doctor how much it weighed. Servants searched the White House, but no scale could be found. Then someone remembered the scale the President used for weighing fish. The scale was brought up from the cellar and the newborn baby was placed upon it. The baby weighed twenty pounds! The story suggests a) Mrs. Cleveland had a very big baby b) the scale was dirty c) the fish the President caught were not as big as he said they were
What is c) the fish the President caught were not as big as he said they were
A man bought a convertible car. He could take the car top up or put it down whenever he wanted a change. The suffix -ible helps the reader know that the word "convertible" means a) the state of converting b) able to be converted c) the act of converting d) describing converting
What is B) able to be converted
Give three examples of onomatopoeia's
What is any word that represents a sound, such as meow, oink or bark
Science is perhaps the most important force in modern life. It is responsible for many changes that have taken place in our way of living over the past few centuries. The significance of science is most apparent when we compare the life expectancy of human beings from the Middle Ages to today. In the Middle Ages, the average life span was 21 years. By 1780 it had increased to 26; by 1825, it was 30 years; by 1850, 40 years. But the increase was far greater in the years 1900-1955. In the 1900 the average human being could expect to live for 47.3 years. By 1975 this figure had jumped to about 73 years, and by 1999 it was about 76 years. The increase in life expectancy is due to work in chemistry, physics, medicine, and other sciences. In the future, we can probably expect to live
What is longer lives
Secret languages can be fun. They are convenient for saying special things that others cannot understand. One of the easiest secret languages to learn is Pig Latin. Pig Latin has nothing to do with pigs or the Latin language. It is based on the same ordinary language that we use every day. There are only two essential changes that must be made when you translate English into Pig Latin. To words beginning with vowels (A E I O U), you add the syllable "ay" to the end of the word. A word like "about" translated into Pig Latin becomes "aboutay", "eat" becomes "eatay", "ear" becomes "earay". The second change that takes place involves consonants. From words starting with consonants, you take the first letter and move it to the end of the word and add "ay". A word like "cat" becomes "atcay", "Pig Latin" becomes "igPay atinLay". What is "ancay ouyay alktay igPay atinLay"
What is: can you talk pig Latin?
Mausolus was the king of Caria when it was a small province of the Persian Empire. Now it is part of Turkey. When Mausolus died in 353 B.C., his queen, Artemesia, mourned him by drinking his ashes in wine. Artemesia resolved that as a memorial to her husband she would build the most beautiful tomb in the world. She sent for artists and sculptors from Greece to construct the monument in the city of Halicarnassus. The tomb of sculptured marble was set on a platform, surrounded by 36 golden columns. On the roof sat a bronze chariot, with statues of Mausolus and Artemesia. The tomb was completed in 350 B.C., and was considered one of the Seven Wonders of the World. It stood for 1,900 years, until is was toppled by an earthquake. But in a unique way it still survives. Today, any large tomb is called a mausoleum. Mausolus was a) buried in the tomb b) buried in Greece c) not buried at all
What is c) not buried at all
The government took all the land away from the Native American's . The United States forced all the Native American's onto reservations, or plots of land. After many years, the United States government decided to enact a law that gave Native American's the right to have their own government on their reservations. The prefix en- helps the reader know that the word ENACT means a) to make into a new law b) to replace the laws in place c) to lessen the laws in place d) to share the law with others
What is a) to make into a new law
Many of the world's battlefields used to have an invisible enemy: the threat of (1) ___________. It used to be common to lose more men to disease than to battle. One man who fought diseases that attacked man in the jungle was Walter Reed, an Army captain. He conducted research to fight yellow fever. The Army (2) ___________ its large hospital in Washington, D.C. after him. Using context clues, what words are missing in the passage?
What is 1) disease 2) named
The tree howled in the wind. This is an example of
What is personification