Figurative Language
Context Clues
Main Idea
Inference/Drawing Conclusions
Point of View/Fact & Opinion
The camera spoke for him.
What is personification?
The fee was determined by the duration of the visitor's stay in the museum admiring the exhibits. (Meaning of duration)
What is length of time?
Can snakes crawl in reverse? Well, no, but they can move in other ways. For example, they can sidewind, which involves throwing the front of their body to one side and then zigzagging the rest along the ground. Some snakes such as pythons can climb trees, and some vipers can actually leap. Many snakes can swim, too.
What is How snakes move?
Chris went on a class trip today. He went to a place where he could see water animals. He saw sharks and dolphins. He saw a penguin, too! Where is Chris?
What is an aquarium?
Sleeping in a tent is the best part of camping.
What is an opinion?
August is a day in the sun.
What is a metaphor?
During elections in the early 1900's, people marked their choices on ballots. (Meaning of ballot)
What is a paper used to register a vote?
What is a gaggle? You probably know that it is a group of geese. Gaggle is a collective noun because it names a group. Many collective nouns name groups of animals. For example, a string is a group of ponies, and a troop is a group of kangaroos. What is a knot? If you are talking about toads, a knot is a group of them. Have you ever found foxes together? Then you saw a skulk. If a group of elk cross in front of you, you have seen a gang.
What is meaning of collective nouns?
The mountain was scared to Native Americans. If you could look down on it from the sky, it would resemble a large black heart. Then white men came, and one in particular saw a different use for the mountain. Afer many years of hard work, he shaped four men's faces upon it. Where are we?
What is Mount Rushmore?
The mayor made a speech to discuss the city's crime rate.
What is a fact?
My cereal went snap, crackle, and pop as I poured on the milk.
What is onomatopoeia?
During the 1930's, catastrophic dust storms stripped away valuable soil in the Great Plains. (Meaning of catastrophic)
What is disatrous?
Some expressions about feelings are very colorful! If you're sad, you might be "feeling blue." Have you ever been so excited that you "talked a blue streak"? Perhaps you were "tickled pink." If you have ever been jealous, you might have been "green with envy." Suppose you are scared. Then you might turn "white as a sheet." Anger might make you "see red." Embarrassed about something? Will you turn "red as a beet"?
What are idioms about unhappy feelings?
Today is a special holiday. It occurs every summer. It is the birthday of the United States. You can infer that today is...
What is July 4th?
THE EAGLE By Alfred, Lord Tennyson He clasps the crag with crooked hands; Close to the sun in lonely lands, Ringed with the azure world, he stands. The wrinkled sea beneath him crawls; He watches from his mountain walls, And like a thunderbolt he falls. 1851 The poem is written in.......
What is third person point of view?
It is raining cats and dogs outside.
What is an idiom?
The musicians improvised as they played the song, because their music was blown off their stand. (Meaning of improvised)
What is invented without preparation?
A census is a counting of a nation's population. The first census in the United States took place in 1790. Riders on horseback fanned out over the country for 18 months to count the inhabitants. They came up with almost four million people. Only twelve cities had more than 5,000 residents. New York, Philadelphia, Boston, and Charleston had more than 16,000 each. The states with the highest populations were Virginia and Pennsylvania.
What are results of the first census?
A mother had taken her three small children on a picnic. They had a great day and enjoyed a terrific meal. When it was time to get in the car, though, the mother became very worried and began searching through the grass. You can conclude that the mother is.....
What is searching for her keys?
I Invited a Dragon to Dinner -Dave Crawley I invited a dragon to dinner. My parents were really surprised. They thought he would wish for lobster and fish, But he ordered a burger and fries. Since he was lacking in fingers, He scooped up his food with his paws. The napkin was hapless since dragons are lapless. It merely got stuck in his claws. Though his manners were clearly abysmal, The dragon showed no sign of shame. And each time he spoke he billowed with smoke, While his mouth erupted in flame. Dessert was a bucket of ice cream, And juice he was eager to quaff. With one final slurp and a dragon-sized burp, He said, “Well, I guess I’ll be off.” The lessons I learned were winners, As he flew away with a squawk. Don’t invite dragons to dinner. And don’t get too close when they talk! The poem is written in....
What is first person point of view?
It took a pick-up truck to carry all my homework home yesterday.
What is a hyperbole?
A team of scientists examined the specimens of bacteria found in the pond water. (Meaning of specimens)
What are examples?
What is the history of Father's Day? This holiday was first suggested by Sonara Smart Dodd in the early 1900's. She told her idea to the people of her hometown of Spokane, Washington, and they began celebrating it. However, the holiday did not spread, and by the 1920's it had died out. Then in 1938 some men's clothing stores began promoting Father's Day as a way to raise sales. They used the slogan "Give Dad Something to Wear." In 1972, Father's Day finally became a national holiday.
What is the history of Father's Day?
Brian pulled the large book off the bookshelf. He opened it to the fourth page and carefully studied the legend. Then he looked at the list of street names at the bottom. He found what he was looking for in section D-9. You can conclude that Brain is looking at......
What is an atlas?
There are many exceptional children like Mozart.
What is a fact?