Figurative Language
Sensory Details

What is this sentence an example of?

My brothers are as loud as cymbals clanging together. 

A. Simile

B. Metaphor

C. Alliteration

D. Personification

A. Simile


Which word goes into the correct space? Tone/Mood

1. _________ is the feeling the reader gets as he/she reads the text.

2. The author's attitude or feelings towards the writing is the ________.

1.) Mood

2.) Tone


The best definition of theme is...

a. The lesson the author is teaching.
b. The message the author is sending.
c. A word that summarizes the story.
d. The character's main problem.

a. the lesson the author is sending 

Which of the following describes the sense of smell. 

a. He bit into the juicy apple. 

b. His breath was minty fresh when we spoke.

c. His eyes were as blue as the ocean.

d. He was singing like an injured cat.

b. His breath was minty fresh when we spoke.


What does Inference mean?

a. Finding details in a story
b. Use clues and what you already know to come up with an idea
c. Giving a reason for your answer
d. Using what I know

b. Use clues and what you already know to come up with an idea

What is this sentence an example of?

The new baby was a bundle of joy. 

A. Simile

B. Personification

C. Onomatopoeia

D. Metaphor

D. Metaphor


What is the tone of the following text?
"I will not!" she shouted. "I will not be left at the mercy of our enemies while you slink away!" (108).

a. pleased

b. happy

c. angry

d. suspicion

c. angry 


Once a cat was in a hurry. She ran across the street without looking. She narrowly escaped being hit by a car. 

Which best answer describes the theme?

a. Don't Steal
b. Look both ways before crossing the street
c. Necessity is the mother of invention 
d. One good turn deserves another

b. Look both ways before crossing the street

Which sensory detail does this statement appeal to?
The monster had bright green, scaly skin with purple freckles, and orange tufts of fur on his head.

a. taste

b. sight

c. touch
d. smell

b. sight


Turner almost wished that he hadn’t listened to the radio. He went to the closet and grabbed his umbrella. He would feel silly carrying it to the bus stop on such a sunny morning.
Which probably happened?

a. Turner realized that he had an unnatural fear of falling radio parts.
b. Turner had promised himself to do something silly that morning.
c. Turner had heard a weather forecast that predicted rain.
d. Turner planned to trade his umbrella for a bus ride.

c. Turner had heard a weather forecast that predicted rain.


What is this sentence an example of?

It felt as if I had walked a million miles to school. 

A. Hyperbole 

B. none of the answers above

C. Alliteration

D. Onomatopoeia 

A. Hyperbole


What is the mood of the passage?

She hesitated, listening for sounds of the creature. The forest seemed empty, but she could sense something else out there. Something watching and waiting.

a. romantic

b. joyful 

c. depressing

d. suspenseful 

d. suspenseful


Three flies notice an overturned honey pot. Two of the flies decide to land in the honey and start eating it. But the oldest fly stays back. The two flies tease the older fly, but then get stuck in the honey. 

What is the theme of this story?

a. Some prizes aren't worth it.

b. Overeating leads to illness.

c. Insects value food over safety.

d. Always send a tester.

a. Some prizes aren't worth it.


It was too dark to see in the cave, but I tasted the tang of salt on my lips.  I must be near the ocean!  Excited, I moved toward the salty spray.  
What sense did the writer describe?

a. smell
b. sound
c. taste

d. sight

c. taste

Every four years, February has an extra day.  When this happens, it is called Leap Year.  But even with the extra day, February is still the shortest month of the year.  Some months, like June and November, have 30 days.  Other months like March and August, have 31 days.
It is likely that:

a. February has longer days
b. February has less than 30 days
c. February has more than 31 days

d. None of the answers above

b. February has less than 30 days

What is this sentence an example of?

The morning sun smiles down on me as I walked to the bus. 

A. Allusion

B. Hyperbole

C. Onomatopia 

D. Personification

D. Personification


Which word accurately describes the son's tone in the following dialogue?
Father: We are going to Disney World!
Son: Yay!!!! 

a. irritated

b. uninterested 

c. annoyed

d. excited

d. Excited


During a baseball game, Tanner tried to tag a player leaving first base. When the umpire called the player out, Tanner immediately informed the umpire that he in fact did not tag the runner. Two weeks later, the very same umpire was at another one of Tanner’s baseball games. Tanner was playing short stop and tagged a runner as they approached third base. When the umpire called the player safe, Tanner didn’t say a word, but the umpire noticed the surprised look on Tanner’s face. “Did you tag the runner?” she asked Tanner. When Tanner told her that he did tag the runner, the umpire changed her decision and called the player out. The coaches and parents were furious, but the umpire stood by her decision.

What is the theme?

a. You should cheat to win.
b. Always work hard.
c. It pays to be honest.
d. Teamwork is best.

c. It pays to be honest.

Lando couldn't believe it.  The beast couldn't be from this world.  It was at least 10 feet tall and moving with more speed than any two-legged animal that Lando knew of.  

What sense did the writer describe?

a. smell
b. sight
c. sound

d. touch 

b. sight

Amy opened the door to the bathroom. “What is that dripping sound? Why is the carpet wet and squishy all around the bathtub? The rest of the carpet is dry. Oh no!”
What is the problem?

a. The TV is broken.
b. The bathtub is overflowing.
c. There is no soap in the bathroom.
d. The stove was left turned on.

b. The bathtub is overflowing.

What is this sentence an example of?

A snowball whooshed past my ear during the snowball fight. 

A. Idiom

B. Onomatopia

C. Alliteration

D. Personification

B. Onomatopia 


To remember what tone is, some good tricks are:

a. AA-author's attitude

b. parent saying: "don't give me that tone"

c. imagining the author's facial expression as he writes

d. all of these are true

d. all of these are true


Alan had very few responsibilities, but one of them was to clean his room. It did not take long, but Alan still didn't like doing it. One day Alan thought of a way to save some time. Rather than putting everything neatly back in its place, he decided to just throw all the stuff on the floor into his closet. His mom would think that he had cleaned his room, and it would only take a fraction of the time. Alan was pleased with himself for thinking of this brilliant idea. He figured that this would save a lot of time and energy. The next time his room got messy, he piled everything up in the closet and the pile grew. It grew and grew. Then Alan's friend Steve called. "Alan, everyone is playing baseball at the park. Do you want to play too?" Alan loved baseball. "That sounds great, Steve. I'll be right there." Alan went to grab his baseball mitt when he realized that it wasn't in its usual place. Alan thought to himself, I guess it's in the closet. When he opened up the closet door, he was faced with a huge, unnavigable mess, some of which poured out as he opened the door. Alan began digging through the pile in a frantic attempt to find his mitt. He dug and dug, and as he dug his room got messier and messier. Soon his room was the messiest that it had ever been, and he still hadn't found his mitt. Alan sighed in despair. By the time he found his mitt, the boys had long concluded their game and Alan had hours of cleaning ahead of him before he'd be allowed to leave.

What is the theme of the story?

a. Treat others as you wish to be treated; what goes around, comes around.

b. A thing worth doing, is worth doing correctly; cutting corners comes at a cost; it is better to do a thing once the right way than many times the wrong way.

c. Give credit where credit is due; a good relationship has to have some give and take.

d. Do not criticize things that are dear to others, particularly if they are not seeking your criticism

b. A thing worth doing, is worth doing correctly; cutting corners comes at a cost; it is better to do a thing once the right way than many times the wrong way.


What sense is being engaged most in this example:

The walls shook and vibrated like the tail of a rattle snake 

a. Touch

b. Taste

c. Sight

d. Smell

e. Hearing

e. Hearing


Which of these is an inference that can be supported by the passage above? Tony was delighted to see the pavement disappearing under the attack of the bulldozers. The more park, the better, he thought. His delight gradually turned to concern, however, when it became clear that the construction workers were also laying the forms for new pavement, much more pavement than had been there before.  
Which of the following can you infer from the passage above?   

answer choices

a. Tony was in the construction business.
b. Tony enjoyed spending time in the park.
c.  Tony was an avid environmentalist.
d. none of these answers

b. Tony enjoyed spending time in the park.