Biological Science
Earth Science
Space Science

A plant on a window ledge is facing to the right on Monday. On Tuesday, the same plant is facing to the left. Which factor is causing the movement of the plant?



A student claims that all animals need to eat. What evidence would best support the student’s claim?

A . Animals need air to breathe

B . Animals need energy to live

C . The length of an animal increases over time

D . The weight of an animal increases over time

Animals need energy to live


A student uses a balance to compare two rocks. What information can this tool provide?

A . the difference in mass between the rocks

B . the difference in length between the rocks

C . the difference in volume between the rocks

D . the difference in temperature between the rocks

difference in mass between the rocks


Which part of growing food on a farm most likely causes an increase in the amount of algae that grows in nearby ponds?

- plowing the fields 

- adding fertilizer to the ground

- releasing insects that kill weeds

- harvesting vegetables at the end of the season

adding fertilizers to the ground


Closest star to Earth



In winter, a person living in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, buys fresh tomatoes from a grocery store. However, tomatoes do not grow in Pennsylvania during the winter. Which statement best explains how fresh tomatoes can be available at a grocery store in Pittsburgh during the winter?

A . The tomatoes are canned at the store and then opened and moved to store shelves when needed

B . A farmer grew the tomatoes in the summer, but they took a few months to arrive at the store to be sold

C . The tomatoes are frozen during the summer and then thawed at the store and sold as fresh during the winter

D . A farmer grew the tomatoes in a warm part of the country and had them shipped to arrive at the store within a few days .

D . A farmer grew the tomatoes in a warm part of the country and had them shipped to arrive at the store within a few days


Brook trout live and reproduce in cold streams and lakes in the United States. Deforestation removes trees that provide shade over the areas where the brook trout live. This can cause the water temperature to increase. How would this change in water temperature most likely affect the brook trout?

A . Brook trout numbers would stay the same because the fish change their genes to stay cool in the warmer water

B . Brook trout numbers would stay the same because the fish change their behavior to stay cool in the warmer water

C . Brook trout would increase in number because the temperature would become more comfortable for the fish

D . Brook trout would decrease in number because the temperature would become more uncomfortable for the fish

Brook trout would decrease in number because the temperature would become more uncomfortable for the fish


A student is given a horseshoe magnet, paper clips, and a bar magnet. Which scientific question could be investigated using only the objects shown in the drawing? 

A . How are magnets most useful to people in everyday life?

B . What types of objects can be picked up using a magnet?

C . Why is a bar magnet a different shape than a horseshoe magnet?

D . How does the strength of a bar magnet compare to the strength of a horseshoe magnet?

How does the strength of a bar magnet compare to the strength of a horseshoe magnet?


Both human-made and natural systems can move water. Which sentence best describes a natural system that moves water?

A . Water under the ground is refilled by melted snow. B . Water from the kitchen faucet is poured into a cup. C . Water from the bathroom sink goes down the drain. D . Water from a lake is brought to a city through metal pipes

Water under the ground is refilled by melted snow.


Which statement describes the Sun-Earth-Moon system?

A . It takes one day for the Sun to orbit Earth

B . It takes one year for Earth to orbit the Sun

C . It takes one week for the Moon to orbit Earth

D . It takes one month for Earth to orbit the Moon

It takes one year for Earth to orbit the Sun


When a seed begins to grow



Why do animals migrate?

To find food or more favorable living conditions 


When guitar strings are shortened, they will play a higher note . When lengthened, they will play a lower note . Which characteristic of sound does this represent?



How plants reproduce across vast distances

seeds traveling in wind


One full spin of an object around an axis



The natural component which makes plants green



Habitat where an alligator lives



Tool used to measure the volume of a liquid



How does a watershed affect the water cycle?

by directing where water will shed


The blocking of the sunlight by the moon as the moon passes between the sun and the earth

Solar eclipse


A student places a terrarium on a window ledge in the sunlight. How does the sunlight affect the terrarium system?

A. It is a living component that provides energy to the terrarium system. 

B. It is a nonliving component that provides nutrients to the terrarium system. 

C. It is a living component that provides nutrients to the terrarium system. 

D. It is a nonliving component that provides energy to the terrarium system.  

It is a nonliving component that provides energy to the terrarium system. 


The biggest organ in the human body


used to transport liquid 



Name 5 habitats 

Savannah, Tunda, Artic, Coral Reef, Wetlands

The time it takes a planet to complete one orbit?

1 year
