PSU teacher Ed
PSU teacher Ed
PSU teacher Ed
PSU teacher Ed
PSU teacher Ed

#1 A requirement to earn a certain GPA by a certain semester to make ETM (Entrance to the major).

What is a 3.0 GPA by January of the ETM spring (fourth) semester?


#2 A requirement to complete a certain number of Work Experience hours with a certain age group of children to make ETM (Entrance to the major) for any Secondary Education degree.

What are 40 hours of Work Experience with children of the age group grades 7 – 12th in which you plan to teach?


#3 A requirement to have taken three specific subject area teacher entrance exams as part of the Basic skills test requirements to make ETM (Entrance to the major) that as of Fall 2018 all ED majors at PSU have to take?

What are the Reading, writing, and Math PAPA or PECT Core or PAPA exams?


#4 The course is English 015.

What is one course that all PSU Teacher Education Baccalaureate degree candidates take, no matter what Major in Teacher Education?


#5 This Education major does not lead to PA teacher certification and prior to this FALL2019 USED to require that a second teacher certification is also earned.

What is the PSU Special Education Teacher education degree?


#6 CEAED, PreK-4th is another older name of this PSU teacher Education Degree, the name changed last year to?

What is the Elementary and Early Childhood Baccalaureate degree for those majoring in PREK – 4th grade teaching at PSU?


#7 The number of times you can retake the Basic Skills Assessments for Entrance to the Major?

What is unlimited?


#8 One minor can be added to select Majors/ PA teacher certifications and some of the major courses count towards the minor.

What is the Special Education (minor)?


#9 This is ONE Of the THREE programs that the College of Education offers as both majors and minors.

What are Rehabilitation and Human Services, Education Policy Studies, OR Special Education?


#10 This is one OF TWO teacher education programs offered through the College of Arts and Architecture.

What is the Arts or Music Education (K-12) teacher education degree?


#11 This is a teacher education program offered through the College of Health and Human Development.

What is the Health and Physical Education or Kinesiology or Applied Exercise and Health option?


#12 This teacher education program is offered at several of the Commonwealth campuses as well as the College of Education at the UPark campus.

What is the Childhood and Early Adolescent Education/ Elementary and Early Childhood Baccalaureate degree for those majoring in PREK – 4th grade?


#13 These are two Education majors which do NOT require the 2.0 GPA and do NOT lead to teacher certification?

What are the Education and Public Policy AND Rehabilitation and Human Services degrees?


#14 This is one of the PSU Teacher education Baccalaureate degrees for which candidates can ONLY complete the last two years at these campuses: University Park or the Harrisburg campus (be specific about major and grade levels, i.e. 7-12, K-12, etc.).

What is the Secondary Education Social Studies or English Education (7 – 12) degree?


#15 This is a certificate that can be added to any PA teacher certification?

What is the English as a Second Language (Postbaccalaureate) Certificate 15-credit program including practical teaching experience with English learners?
