What is the difference between a one factor ANOVA and a two factor ANOVA?
The number of IVs
What numbers can the correlation coefficient rage from?
-1 to 1
What are the four steps for hypothesis testing?
1. State hypotheses
2. Set criteria
3. Calculate Statistic
4. Make decision
What is the formula for the F statistic for a one factor ANOVA?
MS between groups/ MS within groups
Researchers were interested in the factors that could be used to predict aggression. They looked at an entire baseball season’s worth of news reports. For each game, they recorded the temperature of the locale and the number of batters who were hit by pitched balls.
What is the difference between a t-test and a one factor ANOVA?
Number of groups
What are bivariate statistcs?
Two variables are being studied, and both are "free to vary"
What is the difference between a one tailed test and a two tailed test?
Why do we do post hoc tests?
Reduce alpha inflation and find where the significance is
Dr. Blue collected all of the data from the 25 participants during one day. In this study, Dr. Blue compared the happiness of these married people to that of single people. The mean for single people was obtained from a previously published national study.
single sample t-test
2 levels of IV1 and 3 levels of IV2
What is the difference between correlation and regression?
Correlation: Strength of effect
Regression: Prediction
What components does a decision statement have to have?
P-value/Sampling error
What is partial eat squared and how do we calculate it?
Effect size
SS bg/ SS tot
Dr. Gerber examines the different ways in which infants react to their fathers and mothers. Dr. Gerber measured how much infants smile when in the presence of their fathers and how much they smile when in the presence of their mothers.
Repeated measures t-test
Draw a one Factor source table (bonus points for formulas)
Good job!
What is the formula for a regression? (Be specific)
Give an example of a retain statement.
Retain Ho. Any difference between the groups may be due to sampling error
If the lines on the graph are not parallel or, by rule of subtraction, if the two differences are not equal.
The results of Dr. Misinformation showed that illiteracy was related to depressive symptom reporting
Draw a two factor ANOVA source table (bonus points for formulas)
Good job!
What is the formula for r?
Square Root [nΣx^2-(Σx)^2][nΣy^2-(Σy)^2]
Give an example of a reject statement.
Reject Ho. This result is unlikely due to sampling error, p<0.05.
How do we know if there is a main effect?
If the marginal means are different
A study examining differences in life satisfaction between young adult, middle adult, and older adult men and women was conducted. Each individual who participated in the study completed a life satisfaction questionnaire. A high score on the test indicates a higher level of life satisfaction. Test scores are recorded below.
Two factor ANOVA