Scary & Spooky
Got Em'
Birthday Parties

Uh oh! Sumayea made a video game without realizing it was an almost exact copy of the movie Ratatouille, probably a result of this term that represents unconscious plagiarism of others' work

What is cryptomnesia?


When everyone in Hawaii was sent a phone notification about an incoming ballistic missile it took only a few minutes before they were told it was just a mistake. Many still have a vivid recollection of that day, however, representing this type of memory. 

What is a flashbulb memory?


Knowing that this man is Sigmund Freud requires what specific type of factual memory?

What is semantic memory?


Every day on the subway commute Rita sees posters advertising Seamless delivery. The next day they randomly decide to order food on Seamless, probably because of this type of priming.

What is repetition priming?


At a 90th birthday celebration, Evan recalls many personal life experiences, mostly naming things that happened between ages 10-30, likely due to this 'bumpy' type of memory phenomenon.

What is the reminiscience bump?


This speech pathologist's dog learned how to communicate by doing what?

What is pressing buttons?


Aricel is talking to a cute stranger at the bar and accidentally call them by the name of an ex, probably because of this type of memory interference.

What is proactive interference?


Blood-curdling, Petrifying & Scary are all nouns to describe the movie Ady is watching. Of those four adjectives, this one has the highest word-frequency.

What is scary?


He got his hippocampus removed in 1953 to help reduce his epileptic seizures, but unfortunately because of the complete removal of his hippocampus lost his ability to form new long-term memories.

Who is patient HM?

TikTok's "For You" page has been shown to activate this brain state, associated with mind wandering.

What is the default mode network?


Dayanna walks into the kitchen and smells a cake baking in the oven, a cake made using a recipe that they haven't had since childhood. The memory elicited by the smell of the cake can be explained by this effect.

What is the Proust Effect?


Samanta asks Jacob how class went the other week, but then immediately interrupts to talk about a new movie. Samanta is violating a language rule - language rules are studied in this specific sub-field of linguistics.

What are pragmatics?


This phenomenon describes the metamemory error one makes when the word they're trying to think of won't come to mind, despite knowing that they know it.

What is the tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon?


This spooky title refers to the memory experiment conducted by Bartlett in 1932, where participants read a story and then used repeated reproduction to recall it.

What is the War Of the Ghosts?


Neuroscience queen? She was one of Patient HM's doctors and continued working at the Montreal Neuorological Institution after she turned 100 years old.

Who is Brenda Milner?


Zuzanna tells a friend that if they win a bet then they'll get a couple of bucks. When the friend wins, Zuzanna walks in with two of these. What type of meaning dominance explains the friend's confusion?

What is biased representation?


Jacob is looking for sugar at the grocery store to make cupcakes for a friend's surprise party. Using this type of representation, Jacob can visualize exactly where in the store the sugar is before even walking in. 

What is analog representation?


When asked to imagine which is larger, a bumblebee or a giraffe, Karla is quickly able to answer correctly. When asked about a bumblebee v. a ladybug, though, Karla answers a bit slower - this is because of what effect?

What is the symbolic distance effect?


Bianca tells a friend they read a crazy fact about teacup pigs. Their friend corrects them and says she told Bianca this. Bianca made this type of error, misremembering the source of the information.

Source monitoring error


Saif is asked to remember a list of words, including "vampire" and "terrifying." They're more likely to remember the word "vampire" because it is a concrete noun, based on what visual imagery hypothesis?

What is the conceptual peg hypothesis?


Chen Nuo holds the record for solving this tower-shaped cognitive problem-solving game, he completed it in approximately 29 seconds.

What is the Tower of Hanoi?


Khatia sees a sign saying "Don't take your dog on the subway unless it's in a bag." When the conductor tells Khatia that the 5 pugs sitting on the seat aren't allowed on the train, Khatia argues that the sentence was too ambiguous because of what linguistic feature?

What is syntax?


Angel got an invitation to a birthday celebration at a friend's house in a new neighborhood. The directions are only verbal and include statements like "turn left at first ave." Angel will have to rely on what type of mental representation to find the home?

What is propositional representation?


This famous psychologist is famous for her work on the misinformation effect...but she also testified for Harvey Weinstein's defense :/

Who is Elizabeth Loftus?


Before calzones were invented, people only saw pizza as something to be eaten in a flat form, AKA they only focused on the familiar usage of it, also known as what type of "fixed" mindset?

What is functional fixedness?


The McMartin preschool was subject to a large nationwide debate on this type of memory, largely a product of suggestibility.

What is repressed memory?


This man, whose first name was Francis, argued that visual imagery was not a necessary component of thinking. What's his last name?

Who is Francis Galton?


Aida tells Maria that the world's largest horse is 10 feet tall, but Maria doesn't believe it. A week later, Maria hears someone else say that the largest horse is 10ft tall, and begins to actually belive it, representing this type of memory effect.

What is the illusory truth effect?

What is the solution to this compound remote associate problem?

What is party?


Using this type of 'reasonable' inference, Lizbeth misremembers the statement "the baby was awake all night" to "the baby was crying all night."

What is pragmatic inference?
