Verbal Behavior etc.

An establishing operation ____________ the value of a reinforcer and ____________ behaviors to produce a reinforcer.



When is it appropriate to use punishment in the ABA field?

Only after you have tried reinforcement and extinction, and if the behavior is a danger to the individual or others.


Asking your mom for a drink of water when you are thirsty is an example of what verbal operant?



Choice is a ________ operant behavior in a context where ________ behaviors are available.

voluntary, multiple alternative


In a ________ preference assessment, you observe the duration that the child plays with each toy in their natural environment.

Free operant preference assessment


The presence of a sign on the door saying that class is cancelled today is a __________ for attending class.



How long is appropriate to leave a child in time-out?

No more than 5 minutes


Following a rule because your teacher makes the rule and they are in charge is an example of which type of rule-governed behavior?



How do we define an impulsive choice?

Choosing a smaller, sooner reinforcer (SSR) over a larger, later reinforcer (LLR).

The requirement to complete 42 questions on your final exam in order to receive a grade is an example of what type of reinforcement schedule?

Fixed ratio

The presence of a calendar reminder for a doctor's appointment is a ___________ for attending the appointment.

Discriminative stimulus (SD)


A sin tax (extra tax) on alcoholic beverages is an example of what type of punishment procedure?

Response cost (negative punishment)


What is the term for when we believe our thoughts and feelings about ourselves are reality (ACT)?

Cognitive fusion


If you are faced with the choice of going out to the bar with your friends and studying for your final exam, what would be an example of an effort manipulation that would make it more likely you would choose studying?

Reducing the effort for studying (flashcards)

Increasing the effort for going to the bar (increase the cost or distance to drive)


You have a habit of setting your bedroom alarm early, and getting to work everyday 30 minutes early.  When you have to stay at a hotel because work is being done on your house, you do not get to work 30 minutes early.  What has caused the disruption in your habit?

The antecedents that evoke the habit behavior are not present in the hotel environment.


Your client that you are working with just ate lunch. You ask them to clap their hands in order to receive an M&M as a reinforcer, but they are unwilling to work for the M&M.  The client having just eaten is a __________ for working for M&Ms.

Abolishing operation


What is one of the six characteristics of effective punishment?

1. Focus on reinforcement

2. Combine punishment with extinction or DRA

3. Deliver punishers immediately

4. Deliver punishers contingently

5. Punish every time

6. Use a punisher in the goldilocks zone


If I ask you the question, "what is your favorite animal?", your response of "cheetah", would be an example of which verbal operant?



What did the rat park study tell us about choices of non-drug reinforcers?

When alternative reinforcers are easily available in our environment (high quality housing, bedding, social reinforcers, educational play), we are less likely to choose drug reinforcers.


Receiving extra rewards in candy crush on a random schedule is an example of what schedule of reinforcement?  AND what pattern of responding would we expect from this schedule?

Variable ratio; high, consistent rate of response


You have a client that struggles with making choices when faced with a lot of different stimuli.  You want to figure out what stimuli will work the best as a reinforcer for this client.  What would be the best type of preference assessment to use for this client?

Paired-stimulus preference assessment


If a child throws items off their desk, having them repeatedly clean up those items and leave the environment in a better condition is an example of what punishment procedure?

Restitutional overcorrection (Positive punishment)


Learning to respond to both the written word "CAT" and the spoken word "cat" by saying "cat" in response is an example of what verbal relation?

Symmetrical relational responding (Stimulus equivalence)


Based on Herrnstein's matching equation, what would happen to behavior if you decreased the rate of alternative reinforcers available for R2?

Behavior would be allocated to B1 more frequently, and not to B2.


I am learning to cook macaroni and cheese for the thanksgiving holiday.  I learn over many trials of practicing, that in order to make a good roux, I need to slowly add the flour and cream and constantly whisk the mixture.  On trials that I add the flour and cream too quickly, my cheese sauce burns and does not turn out good. This is an example of what type of training?

Discrimination training
