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A group of chronic conditions that affect muscle coordination and body movement often accompanied by other disabilities including ID, speech and language d/o, etc.
What is Cerebral Palsy (CP)
Successful ___ is based on the individual's ability (with appropriate education and training) to adapt to community expectations AND the willingness of the community to adapt to and accommodate individuals with differences
What is inclusion
Identify 2 ways in which learning theory and home environment are related to speech delays
What is the home environment may provide little opportunity to learn speech -the home environment may interfere with speech development (e.g. speaking is punished)
What are 4 outcomes that are important for planning the transition from school to adult life for adolescents for severe and multiple disabilities?
What are: -network of friends and acquaintances -use community resources -job $ -independence/autonomy
What are problems individuals with Diabetes may experience if they don't follow the recommendations for diet, exercise and medication?
What are physical complications -blindness -heart disease -skin -neuropathy
Bodily impairments that interfere with an individual's mobility coordination, learning and/or personal adjustment
What is Orthopedic Impairment
Identify 2 reasons why some professionals are reluctant to treat functional articulation disorders in young children
What is many articulation problems evident in young children are developmental in nature, so speech may improve "naturally" with age -articulation problems are quite frequent among young children and treatment resources are limited
How do treatment approaches for language disorders generally differ for children and adults?
What is treatment for children generally addresses initial acquisition or learning of language. Treatment for adults involves relearning or requiring language function.
Under IDEA, which students require transition planning?
What is IDEA requires that every student with a disability receive transition planning.
Direct injuries to the brain, such as tearing of nerve fibers, bruising of the brain tissue against the skull, brain stem trauma and swelling
What is Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
How does ADA define a "reasonable accommodation"
What is equal chance of participation "level the playing field"
What is people first language and why is it important?
What is focusing on the individual, their strengths and interests rather than defining by their disability. -Allows us to see people as people and not just focus on any limitations they may have
Hearing Loss: what are prelingual loss, postlingual loss and why is it important?
What is -prelingual- hearing impairments before age 2 (congenital) or age of speech development -postlingual- hearing impairments occurring at any age following speech development -critical variable in determining the type and extent of interventions necessary to minimize the effect of the individual's disability
Why is it important for students with disabilities to receive instruction in self-determination, academics, adaptive and functional life skills, and employment preparation during the secondary school years?
What is self-determination: problem solving, choices academics: graduation requirements adaptive and functional life skills: socialization, personal appearance, leisure time employment: probably of success on the job, contribute to society
An acquired language disorder caused by brain damage and characterized by complete or partial impairment of language comprehension, formulation, and use
What is Aphasia
Distinguish between receptive language disorders and expressive language disorders
What is receptive language disorders involve difficulties in comprehending what others say while expressive language disorders involve difficulties in producing language
Identify 4 approaches to teaching communication skills to people with a hearing loss
What are -auditory approach-use of amplified sound and residual hearing -oral approach- may also employ speech reading, reading and writing, monokinesthetic speech training -manual approach- sign -total communication- combines all
Select one class speaker and share how they furthered your understanding of the topic/course. Give at least 2 specific examples
What is (answers will vary)
At what age does IDEA require that a student's IEP include measurable postsecondary goals?
What is age 16. These goals are based on age appropriate transition assessments related to training, education, employment, and where appropriate, independent living skills.
A hearing loss greater than 90dB. These individuals have vision as their primary input and cannot understand speech through the ear.
What is deafness how does this differ from hard of hearing?
An inherited chronic disease that affects the lungs and digestive system of children and adults. A defective gene and it's protein product cause the body to produce unusually thick, sticky mucus that clogs the lungs and leads to life-threatening lung infections, obstructs the pancreas an stops natural enzymes from helping the body break down and absorb food
What is Cystic Fybrosis (CF)
Describe 2 content areas that should be included in educational programs for students with vision loss
What are -mobility and orientation training -acquisition of daily living skills
What are the 10 Commandments of interacting with people with disabilities?
What are: -speak directly -offer to shake hands when introduced -always identify yourself and others, when dining assist friend with visual impairment by describing location of food on plate -if you offer help, wait until it is accepted -treat adults as adults -do not lean on someone's wheelchair -listen attentively -place yourself at eye level -tap or wave to get attention of someone with hearing difficulty -relax!
Identify the purpose of person-centered transition planning and the basic steps in its formulation
What is person-centered transition planning is based on understanding of and commitment to each student's needs and preferences; it must be developed and implemented within each student's IEP. -process that ensures each student's access to the general ed curriculum and/or a focus on the adaptive and functional skills that will facilitate life in the community following school -IEP team meets, review assessments, develop/implement IEP, update as needed, exit meeting
Condition in which central visual acuity does not exceed 20/200 in the better eye with correcting lenses, or in which visual acuity, if better than 20/200, is limited in the central field of vision
What is Blindness How does this differ from partially sighted?