Functional Analysis
Preference Assessment
Schedules of Reinforcement
Single-Subject Design
Antecedent- No attention Consequence- Attention Contingency- Social positive reinforcement
What is the attention condition
The therapist presents one stimulus at a time and observers score participant responses (e.g., manipulating a tangible or eating an edible) w/in 5s of the presentation. Stimuli are labeled preferred if a participant approaches the stimuli a high percentage (e.g., 80%) of the time that it is presented.
What is a single-stimulus preference assessment.
A wide variety of research designs that use a form of experimental reasoning called baseline logic to demonstrate the effects of the independent variable on the behavior of individual subjects.
What is single subject design
Workers at a widget factory are paid for every 15 widgets they make. This results in a high production rate and workers tend to take few breaks. It can, however, lead to burnout and lower-quality work
What is a fixed ratio schedule of reinforcement
The researcher attempts to verify the effect of the IV by reversing responding to a level obtained in a previous condition
What is a reversal design
Antecedent-Demands Consequence- Break Contingency- Social Negative Reinforcement
What is the escape condition
Participants can choose between two stimuli presented concurrently. Choosing one of the stimuli produces access to it. Determines a hierarchy of preference.
What is a paired-choice preference assessment
Structured interviews, checklists, rating scales, or questionnaires used to obtain information from people who are familiar with the person exhibiting the problem behavior. Used to identify conditions or events in the natural environment that are correlated with problem behavior.
What is an indirect assessment
Imagine that you are training a rat to press a lever, but you only reinforce the first response after a ten-minute interval. The rat does not press the bar much during the first 5 minutes after reinforcement, but begins to press the lever more and more often the closer you get to the ten minute mark.
What is fixed interval schedule of reinforcement
Begins with the concurrent measurement of two or more behaviors in a baseline condition, followed by the application of the IV on one of the behavior while baseline remains constant for the other behaviors.
What is a multiple baseline design
Antecedent- No Attention, No Toys or Edibles Consequence- Toys or Edibles Contingency- Social Positive Reinforcement
What is the tangible condition
Multiple stimuli are presented for the participant to choose from. Once a selection is made, the participant has access to the the chosen stimulus. Previously chosen stimuli are not replaced
What is a multiple stimulus without replacement preference assessment
A method for determining the purpose of problem behavior, wherein antecedents and consequences representing those in the person's natural routines are arranged within an experimental design so that their separate effects on problem behavior can be observed and measured
What is a functional analysis
A teacher makes reinforcement available following the first correct response after 2 minutes, then 5 minutes, then 3 minutes, then 4 minutes and finally 1 minute. In this example, reinforcement became available 5 times over a total interval period of 15 minutes
What is variable interval schedule of reinforcement
Two or more conditions are presented in rapidly alternating succession independent of the level of responding; differences in between or among conditions are attributed to the effects of the conditions.
What is an alternating treatment or multielement design
Antecedent- No Attention Consequence- None Programmed Contingency- Automatic Reinforcement
What is the ignore or alone condition
Multiple stimuli are presented for the participant to choose from. Once a selection is made, the participant has access to the the chosen stimulus. This process is repeated across trials.
What is a multiple stimulus preference assessment
Direct observation of problem behavior and the antecedent and consequent events under naturally occurring conditions.
What is a descriptive assessment
Players have no way of knowing how many times they have to play before they will win. All they know is that eventually a play will win. This is why slot machines are so effective and players are often reluctant to quit. There is always the possibility that the next coin they put in will be the winning one
What is a variable ratio schedule of reinforcement
An initial baseline phase is followed by a series of treatment phases consisting of successive and gradually changing criteria for reinforcement. Experimental control is evidenced by the extent the level of responding changes to conform to each new criterion
What is a changing criterion design
Antecedent- Toy/Food, Attention, No Demands Consequence- None Programmed
What is the play or control condition
Participants have continuous access to an array of stimuli for a set amount of time. The participants are free to interact with any of the stimuli of their choosing at any time throughout the assessment.
What is a free-operant preference assessment
A systematic method of assessment for obtaining information about the purposes a problem behavior serves for a person. 3 components. Results are used to guide the design of an intervention for decreasing problem behavior and increasing appropriate behavior
What is a functional behavior assessment
The use of positive reinforcement that is not related to the occurrence of a target behavior. It involves delivering reinforcement on a fixed-time schedule independent of whether the individual exhibits the target behavior during the interval. In other words, the individual's behavior does not influence whether or not reinforcement is provided.
What is noncontingent reinforcement
The type of design typically used when conducting a functional analysis
What is a multielement design