Holistic approach to prior learning
Integrating psychology into your personal life
Psychology across all disciplines
Integrating psychology into career and educational decisions
Your personal learning theory
The psychological approach that emphasizes the whole person with the potential for transcendence and transformation.
What is the holistic approach?
Methods used to help patients facilitate change in maladaptive behavior and cognition through homework aimed at instilling hope and learning problem-solving skills.
What is cognitive behavior technique?
The branch of psychology that concentrates on how individuals process information such as storing, receiving, and retrieving information as well as decision-making, and problem-solving.
What is cognitive psychology?
Expressing understanding of the major concepts, historical trends, theoretical perspectives, and empirical findings through application.
What is knowledge base in psychology?
The type of psychology used to improve one’s behavior.
What is behaviorism?
The inclusion of all aspects of an individual within a social and physical context, including mental, physical, and spiritual.
What is holistic psychology?
A psychological test used to assess one’s personality for the purpose of determining an appropriate career or educational path.
What is self-report inventory?
The branch of psychology that focuses on maturity, self-actualization, and potential of an individual and credits one’s values as the foundation of his or her mannerisms.
What is humanistic psychology?
Seeking positions that require facilitating efficiency in the workplace through organizational assessments, mentoring leaders, maintaining diversity, identifying issues and recommending innovative solutions.
What is applying industrial and organizational psychology content and skills to career goals?
The principle in which actions are likely to be repeated if followed by a desirable outcome and less likely to be repeated if followed by less than desirable outcomes.
What is law of effect?
For an individual to find and use his or her natural strengths.
What is the main goal of holistic psychology?
Abraham Maslow explained this as a continuous process of realizing one’s own unique potential.
What is self-actualization?
The branch of psychology that focuses on how one develops throughout his or her lifespan (i.e. physically, intellectually, and skillfully).
What is developmental psychology?
Professional psychologist in clinical or counseling psychology or psychiatrist.
What is careers requiring training beyond a baccalaureate degree?
A small chamber with levers or bars animals can operate to dispense reinforcement, such as food, for the purpose of studying animal behavior.
What is a Skinner Box?
The body and spirit are equal to the brain, which is in contrast to traditional psychology.
What is how the brain is understood in holistic psychology?
To set goals and evaluate the feedback from your own performance in achieving the goals.
What is control theory?
The branch of psychology that explains how and why one’s behaviors are influenced by his or her environment.
What is environmental psychology?
One can apply knowledge and explore career options pertaining to his or her chosen area of psychology through firsthand experience.
What is the significance of internships?
The use of introducing a neutral stimulus (bell) to an unconditioned stimulus (food) after obtaining an unconditioned response (salivation), in order for the neutral stimulus (bell) to become a conditioned stimulus, thus generating a conditioned response (salivation).
What is classical conditioning?
The type of psychology that rejects the reductionist point of view about human condition and accepts the notion that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
What is holistic?
Identifying healthy methods of coping with stress, overcoming adversity, and maintaining caring relationships.
What is ways to integrate psychology into one’s personal life?
The branch of psychology focused on unusual behavior, cognition, and emotion.
What is abnormal psychology?
These tools are essential to John L. Holland’s vocational choice theories which assume people are happier and more productive when career choices are in line with his or her interests, values, and skills.
What is the purpose of self-reflection, self-assessment, and career development?
The basic dimensions used to describe personality traits which include agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, openness, and extraversion.
What is “The Big Five?”