4 Big Ideas
Scientific Method
Brain & Nervous System
Neurons & Sleep
Which idea allows us to study events from three different viewpoints such as; Biological, Psychological, and Social-Cultural influences?
What is Biopsychosocial Approach
Theory based predictions are called _________.
What is Hypotheses
The neurons of the spinal cord are part of the _____________ nervous system.
What is Central Nervous System (CNS)
Our body temperature tends to rise and fall in sync with a biological clock, which is referred to as our ___________  _________.
What is Circadian Rhythm
In 1879, in psychology's first experiment, ______ and his students measured the time lag between hearing a ball hit a platform and pressing a key.
Who is Wilhem Wundt
Instead of just reading a news article and listening to what others have to say about it, you would ask questions like; How do we know that? Is the conclusion based on guesswork and gut feelings, or on evidence? When you examine assumptions, weigh evidence, and assess conclusions this is which “Big Idea”?
What is Critical Thinking
To explain behaviors and clarify cause and effect, psychologists use _____________.
What is Experiments
The part of the brain that coordinates voluntary movement and balance is the ___________.   A. Spinal Cord B. Reticular formation C. Medulla D. Cerebellum
What is D. Cerebellum
Recurring sleep stage during which vivid dreams commonly occur,  AKA paradoxical sleep.  Muscles are relaxed (except for minor twitches) but other body systems are active.  This is called ____________
What is REM (rapid eye movement)
A broad band of nerve fibers called the ___________   ___________  join the two hemispheres of the brain together, allowing each hemisphere to communicate with each other.
What is Corpus Callosum
______________     _____________   is the principle that our mind processes information on two tracks simutaneously - one with our full awareness and the other outside of our awareness.
What is Dual Processing (Two-Track mind)
A study finds that the more childbirth training classes women attend, the less pain medication they require during childbirth.  This finding can be stated as a _______________ (positive/negative) correlation.
What is Negative, The *MORE* training the *LESS medication needed
The "uncommitted" areas that make up about three-fourths of the cerebral cortex are called ______________
What is Association areas
The neuron fiber that passes messages through its branches to other neurons or to muscles and glands is the _______.
What is Axon
This neurotransmitter affects mood, hunger sleep and arousal, an under supply of this neurotransmitter can result in depression.
What is Serotonin
If genetically identical twins, were raised in different environments then their physical and behavioral characteristics would differ accordingly. Which big idea would this suggest?
What is Biopsychosocial Approach
A researcher wants to know whether noise level affects workers' blood pressure.  In one group, she varies the level of noise in the environment and records the participants' blood pressure.  In this experiment the *level of noise* is the _________   __________.   Independent Variable or Dependent Variable?
What is Independent Variable, because it is being changed or controlled to test the effects on the dependent variable
The sympathetic nervous system arouses us for action and the parasympathetic nervous system calms us down.  Together, the two systems make up the _________ nervous system.
What is Autonomic Nervous System
The tendency for REM sleep to increase following REM sleep deprivation is referred to as _______ _______.
What is REM rebound
You are nervous to take an exam because you waited to study until the very last minute. When you take the exam, you feel unsure about the results; however, when your grade comes back a B+, you exclaim to your friends, “I was sure that I’d aced that exam!” and you actually believe it. This is an example of what?
What is Hindsight Bias
During the first hundred years of Psychology the focus was on troubles, depression, anxiety, abuse, and poverty.  Today's psychology still focuses on these areas but  have also turned their focus to human flourishing and building a happy and meaningful life, which is what big idea?
What is Psychology explores human strengths as well as challenges
You are a researcher who wants to test the effect of a new drug on depression. You randomly assign people to different groups and give them a pill that contains no medication. This pill is a _________.
What is Placebo
Two parts of the limbic system are the amygdala and the ______. A. Cerebral hemispheres B. Thalamus C. Hippocampus D. Pituitary
What is C. Hippocampus
What is the difference between narcolepsy and sleep apnea?
With narcolepsy, the person periodically falls directly into sleep, sometimes REM sleep with no warning. With sleep apnea, the person repeatedly awakens during the night.
Studies of people with split brains and brain scans of those with undivided brains indicate that the left hemisphere excels in: A. processing language B. visual perceptions C. making inferences D. neurogenesis
What is A. Processing language Research has shown that left hemisphere accidents such as strokes, tumors, and accidents could leave you unable to read, write, speak, do arithmetic and understand others. Pg. 47 (split brains)