A small, basic sound from a fixed set that specifies the building blocks of speech sounds that humans are capable of producing.
What is a phoneme?
A set of steps that, if followed methodically, will guarantee the correct solution to a problem.
What is an algorithm?
Processing that is guided by knowledge, expectation, or belief.
What is top down processing?
The meaning of a word, phrase, or sentence are the _______, while ______ is the rules that govern how different types of words can be arranged, which produces the internal structure of a sentence
What is semantics; syntax?
Reasoning that applies the rules of logic to a set of assumptions (stated as premises) to discover whether certain conclusions inevitably follow from those assumptions; deduction goes from the general to the particular.
What is deductive reasoning?
The process whereby physical energy is converted by a sensory receptor cell into neural signals.
What is transduction?
The idea that language shapes our perceptions and thoughts, and thus people who speak different languages think differently.
What is the linguistic relativity hypothesis?
The strategy in which we assume that the more similar something is to a prototype stored in memory, the more likely it is to belong to the prototype’s category.
What is representativeness heuristic?
The theory that color vision arises from the combinations of signals from three different kinds of sensors, each of which responds maximally to a different range of wavelengths.
What is the trichromatic theory of color vision?
The idea that underlies the meaning of a word or image; depending on the language, some concepts can be expressed with a single word or may require a phrase or two to be fully expressed.
What is a concept?
“General factor,” which is a single intellectual capacity that underlies the positive correlations among different tests of intelligence.
What is g?
The perception that characteristics of objects (such as their shapes or colors) remain the same even when the sensory information striking the eyes changes.
What is perceptual constancy?
The most typical example of a concept.
What is a prototype?
According to Cattell and Horn, the kind of intelligence that underlies the creation of novel solutions to problems.
What is fluid intelligence?