Let's Talk About Talking
Social Psych
Social Dissonancing?

A system of rules for deriving meaning from sounds and for ordering words into sentences

What is grammar?


In the Stanford Prison experiment conducted by __________, male college students volunteered to act either as guards or as prisoners. In only six days, the guards became cruel and degrading and the prisoners became passive, broke down, or rebelled.

Who is Philip Zimbardo?


Underestimating situational constraints on another's behavior.

What is fundamental attribution error?


Logical, step-by-step procedures that if followed correctly will always lead to an eventual solution

What are algorithms? 


A trainer pulls up on a dog's collar and commands the dog to "sit". The dog sits, and the trainer releases the tension on the collar. This is a type of what learning?

What is negative reinforcement?


The spontaneous utterance of a variety of sounds by infants observed ~ 4 months

What is babbling?


Who constructed this research project? It involved a teacher/participant presenting a word to the learner/confederate and shocking the person if their response in incorrect. Most of the teachers/participants went up to at least 150 volts and 62% went all the way up to 450 volts.

Who is Stanley Milgrim?


Faulty decision making that occurs when maintaining group harmony becomes more important than making a good decision

What is Groupthink?


The tendency to only seek out information that supports our preconceptions

What is confirmation bias?


When responding occurs in response to stimuli that are similar to a conditioned stimulus (e.g. Little Albert being afraid of a rabbit when he was conditioned to fear a rat)

What is generalization?


According to Chomsky, this is the innate mechanism that enables a child to analyze language

What is the language acquisition device (LAD)? 


The social phenomenon Asch was studying when he asked participants to judge which comparison line matched the original line.

What is conformity?


When a mentality  becomes increasingly extreme among people who interact without outside moderating influences from people with opposing viewpoints

What is group polarization?


A fixed-thinking approach to problem solving that only sees solutions that have worked in the past.

What is a mental set?


A long-lasting increase in neural-sensitivity; biological mechanism for learning and memory

What is long-term potentiation (LTP)?


Communication through gestures, facial expressions, and other nonverbal means

What is nonverbal language?


Tendency to comply with a large request if one has previously complied with a small request

What is foot-in-the-door phenomenon?


Professor Stewart wrote a very positive letter of recommendation for a student despite having doubts about her competence. Which theory best explains why he subsequently began to develop more favorable attitudes about the student's abilities?

What is cognitive dissonance theory?


The tendency to overestimate and overgeneralize because of a memory that is vivid, recent, and/or strong.

What is availability heuristic?


Every time your dog urinates on the carpet, you smack him with a rolled-up newspaper. You do this every day for two weeks, several times a day but the dog continues to urinate on the carpet. Are you punishing the dog?

What is NO?!


Someone with difficulty in speech production most likely has damage to this part of the brain.

What is Broca's area?


In making wedding preparations, Jason conforms to the expectations of his future bride's family simply to win their favor. His behavior illustrates the importance of __________ social influence.

What is normative social influence?


These are the 3 ABC components of prejudice

What are affect, behavior, and cognitions?


The ability to produce original, appropriate, and valued outcomes in a novel way.

What is creativity?

"Mind and body interact; everything ______________ is simultaneously _______________."

What is psychological; physiological/biological?
