Descriptive and Correlational Methods
The Experimental Method
The Amazing Brain
Let's Dig a Little Deeper
The Brain Can't Do It Alone

Low response rates may call a sample’s representativeness into question. This is MOST often a problem in _______________ research.

a. experimental

b. case study

c. observational

d. survey 

d. survey


Which process is CORRECTLY described?


a. random assignment — Each participant is equally likely to be placed in either the control or the experimental group.

b. random selection — Extraneous variables are eliminated.

c. control — Each member of the population has an equal chance of being included in the sample.

d. correlational design — One variable is manipulated to see if it causes a change in another variable.

a. random assignment — Each participant is equally likely to be placed in either the control or the experimental group.


With two distinct halves (or hemispheres), the _______________ is the largest part of the brain. It contains virtually all parts of the brain except brainstem structures.

a. cerebellum

b. cerebrum

c. corpus callosum

d. cortex

b. cerebrum


The _______________ helps regulate emotion, memory, and motivation.

a. limbic system

b. brainstem

c. corpus callosum

d. midbrain

a. limbic system


The somatic and autonomic nervous systems are the two major divisions of the _______________ nervous system.

a. sympathetic

b. peripheral 

c. central

d. parasympathetic

b. peripheral


When the relationship between two variables is extremely strong, the correlation coefficient approaches:


a. –1.00.

b. 0.00.

c. 1.00.

d. –1.00 or 1.00.

d. –1.00 or 1.00.


Researchers use placebos to:

a. equalize participant characteristics across conditions.

b. ensure that a sample is representative.

c. guard against experimenter bias.

d. minimize the effects of participants’ expectations.

d. minimize the effects of participants’ expectations.


Functionally, the frontal lobe is involved in:

a. integrating information about touch, pain, and temperature.

b. visual processing.

c. personality characteristics and higher-level thinking.

d. hearing and language comprehension.

c. personality characteristics and higher-level thinking.


The _______________ is particularly important in the formation of new memories, but it is not where those memories get stored for the long term.

a. amygdala

b. thalamus

c. hypothalamus

d. hippocampus

d. hippocampus


2.    The _______________ nervous system controls involuntary processes such as increased blood flow to muscles and pupil dilation.

a.    central 

b.    autonomic

c.    somatic 

d.    afferent 

b.    autonomic


In a busy office, Meena records managers’ behaviors when they interact with subordinates. She goes to great lengths to make sure that the managers are not aware that she is watching them. This is an example of:

a. naturalistic observation.

b. a case study.

c. survey research.

d. an experiment.

a. naturalistic observation.


Why, exactly, do experiments enable cause-and-effect conclusions?

a. Behavior is observed in its usual environment.

b. One variable is manipulated, while all others are controlled.

c. Relationships among variables are assessed.

d. An in-depth study of a single individual is completed.

b. One variable is manipulated, while all others are controlled.


If you had your corpus callosum severed:

a. your left and right hemispheres would not be able to communicate with one another.

b. you would not be able to survive for more than a few days.

c. you would no longer be able to speak or hear any sounds.

d. you would no longer be able to move voluntarily.

a. your left and right hemispheres would not be able to communicate with one another.


The medulla is the part of the brain that regulates a person’s:

a. heart rate and respiration. 

b. overall arousal.

c. muscular coordination.

d. sleep-wake cycles.

a. heart rate and respiration.


3.    Within the endocrine system, the _______________ gland is often called the “master gland” because it influences all other glands in addition to promoting growth through the secretion of hormones.

a.    thyroid 

b.    pituitary

c.    adrenal 

d.    reproductive 

b.    pituitary


A psychologist conducts a detailed investigation of a single genius with an IQ of 190. This is an example of:

a. a survey.

b. naturalistic observation.

c. an experiment.

d. a case study.

d. a case study.


A psychologist is conducting an experiment on the effects of brainstorming instruction on problem-solving creativity. Participants are randomly assigned to an instruction or a no-instruction group. The creativity of all participants’ problem solutions is later assessed. In this experiment, solution creativity is the _______________ variable.

a. experimental

b. control

c. independent

d. dependent

d. dependent


Jean’s brother, Luca, is 7-years-old and does not speak. He had a seizure as an infant which caused the brain damage. He is, however, able to understand language. Based on this information, it is likely that Luca’s seizure:

a. damaged Broca’s area, but left Wernicke’s area unharmed.

b. damaged Wernicke’s area, but left Broca’s area unharmed.

c. damaged both Broca’s and Wernicke’s areas.

d. left both Broca’s and Wernicke’s areas unharmed.

a. damaged Broca’s area, but left Wernicke’s area unharmed.


Leila is terrified of snakes. She is on a hike with her sister when a snake slithers across their path. Which structure within the limbic system is activated as Leila processes her fear?

a. thalamus

b. hypothalamus

c. amygdala 

d. hippocampus

c. amygdala


4.    Ross is riding his bike when a car runs him off the road. He feels his heart racing as he struggles to catch his breath. Soon Ross’s heartrate and breathing return to normal as his _______________ nervous system kicks in.

a.    somatic 

b.    central 

c.    parasympathetic

d.    sympathetic 

c.    parasympathetic


As explained in the text, there is a strong positive correlation between study time and exam grades. However, this may be due to _______________, and not an actual cause and effect between the two variables.

a. observer bias.

b. volunteer bias.

c. a third variable.

d. a sampling problem.

c. a third variable.


An investigator gives the experimental group ginseng and the control group a placebo. In this study, what the groups are given is the _______________ variable.

a. control

b. experimental

c. dependent

d. independent

d. independent


A brain tumor has slowly robbed George of his ability to recognize objects by touch. The tumor is probably centered in his _______________ lobe.

a. occipital

b. parietal

c. temporal

d. frontal

b. parietal


A neuropsychologist describes a patient who is experiencing difficulty with coordination and balance. The patient’s brain damage is probably localized in her:

a. cerebellum. 

b. reticular formation.

c. pons.

d. medulla.

a. cerebellum.


5.    Janice is afraid of needles. As she awaits a flu shot, Janice’s _______________ nervous system is probably going into overdrive as she is imagining with terror what the injection is going to feel like.

a.    somatic 

b.    afferent 

c.    parasympathetic 

d.    sympathetic

d.    sympathetic
