Is it valid
to manipulate
It depends
on various factors

A study has high _____ validity when strong inferences can be made that one variable caused changes in the other variable.

What is internal validity?

Variable that is manipulated in an experiment design
What is independent variable?
A type of sampling where everyone in the target population has an equal shot of being chosen for the sample.
What is random sample?
The variable that you are measuring to test if it is affected by an independent or participant variable
What is dependent variable?
An experiment design that involves manipulating 2 or more independent variables
What is factorial design?

A study has high _______ validity if the results can be generalized to real life settings and other people/situations.

What is external validity?


This basic type of manipulation manipulates variables with direct instructions and stimulus presentations

What is straightforward?

A researcher designs an experiment by manipulating the following variables: method of presenting material (visual, auditory); difficulty level (easy, difficult); and amount of material (low, moderate, high). For a completely independent groups design with 10 participants per group, how many participants would the researcher need?
What is 120?

It's problematic to have one of these variables in your experiment since you can't be sure if it was the IV or this that caused an effect if you observe differences in the DV.

What is confounding variable?

The simplest factorial design
What is 2 X 2 factorial design?

The accuracy of the operational definition of your variable. It measures what it was designed to measure.

What is construct validity?

Ralph has a confederate cut in front of a person who is second or ninth in line at a grocery store checkout counter. He then records the number of verbal responses toward the confederate as a measure of aggression. The manipulation employed in this study is an example of a _____ manipulation. 
What is staged?
A factorial design with one manipulated and one nonmanipulated variable
What is an IV X PV design?

A researcher who tests the effect of caffeine on memory and concentration is measuring _________ dependent variables.

What is 2 dependent variables?

When the effect of one independent variable changes across levels of a second independent variable.
What is an interaction?

This is the order of the following research designs, going from LEAST to MOST internal validity: correlation, experiment, quasi-experiment.

What is correlation, then quasi-experiment, then experiments?

In order to find a curvilinear relationship, the researcher needs to use __________ or more levels of an IV
What is 3?
In order to study the human behavioral patterns during crisis situations, Clara first conducts a trial run with a small number of participants. She does so to make sure that the instructions are clear to the participants and the whole experimental setting is plausible. This procedure is an example of a _____.
What is pilot study?

When the independent variable appears to have no effect on the dependent measure because the measurement for the DV is too difficult/not sensitive enough, it is known as _____ effect.

What is floor effect?

In a study examining the effect of room illumination (low, medium, high) and room temperature (cold, warm, hot) on test performance, how many main effects are possible?
What is 2?

This is the research design that is most likely to have the lowest external validity: correlation, experiment, quasi-experiment.

What is experiment?

A _____ is an attempt to directly measure whether the independent variable manipulation has the intended effect on the participants. 
What is manipulation check?
Any feature of an experiment that might inform participants of the purpose of the study is called a(n) _____.
What is demand characteristic?

When the independent variable appears to have no effect on the dependent measure because the participants quickly reach the maximum performance level, it is known as _____ effect.

What is ceiling?

In a two-way analysis of variance, a researcher tests for the significance of:
What is two main effects and an interaction?