The scientific study of the mind and behavior
The variable manipulated by researchers.
Independent Variable
The CNS is comprised of _____
Brain and Spinal Cord
Concept that each hemisphere of the brain is associated with specialized function
The minimum amount of stimulus energy that must be present for stimulus to be detected 50% of the time.
Absolute Threshold
“Father of Psychology,” first psychologist
Wilhelm Wundt
You observe a stay at home mom in her home. This is a _____.
Naturalistic Observation
The ____ receive(s) incoming signals from other neurons.
Used to study brain waves by placing electrodes on the scalp
Electroencephalogram (EEG)
Bottom-up processing
First African American to receive PhD in Psychology in the United States
Francis Cecil Sumner
Students who watch more television perform more poorly on their exams. This is a _____ correlation.
The ____ nervous system is responsible for responses such as pupil dilation, increased heart rate, and increased respiration.
The _____ is a sensory relay station where all sensory information, except for smell, goes before being sent to other areas of the brain for further processing.
You have a spreadsheet with some numbers in black and some in red. You organize them into groups of red and black because of the principle of _____.
If a teacher gives students a sticker or a prize every time they turn their homework in on time, this is an example of ______.
Operant Conditioning
The committee you would have to send your research proposal to if you wanted to use an animal as part of your experiment.
A(n) _____ is the electrical signal that typically moves from the neuron’s cell body down the axon to the axon terminals.
Nerve Impulse or Action Potential
Occipital Lobe
When you first enter a swimming pool, the water feels very cold; however, after a few minutes, you no longer notice the cold temperature. This is an example of _____.
Sensory Adaptation
Which psychologist would likely agree with this statement: “Human behavior is deeply influenced by unconscious desires and conflicts, often rooted in early childhood experiences?”
Sigmund Freud
Suppose a scale always shows a person’s weight 10 lbs heavier than their actual weight. Everytime the person steps on the scale, they get the same result, but it is not accurate. This is a _____ experiment.
Reliable but NOT valid
As you are walking to class, you suddenly encounter Mike the Tiger loose from his cage. Your heart rate increases and your breathing becomes quick as your body prepares to quickly run away. This is an example of a fight or flight response which is triggered by the activation of ______.
Sympathetic Nervous System
A person who has trouble producing words, but can still understand language probably has damage to ______.
Jane wrote a messy handwritten note. Although some letters are unclear, your brain uses prioir knowledge of language and common word patterns to “fill in the gaps,” this is ______ processing.