Types of Memory
False Memories
Problem Solving & Decision Making Strategies
Problem Solving & Decision Making Strategies 2
Describe the 2 types of sensory memory and their duration.
What is Visual sensory memory (or iconic) - .3 seconds What is Auditory sensory memory (or echoic) - 2-4 seconds
What term describes the sensation of knowing that specific information is stored in LTM, but being temporarily unable to retrieve it.
What is Tip-of-the-Tongue experience.
What term describes unfounded confidence in a false or distorted memory caused by vividly imagining the pseudoevent.
What is Imagination Inflation.
You are asked to complete the following sequence: O, T, T, F, F, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____. You suddenly realize that the answer is obvious: S, S, E, N, T. Identify the problem solving technique described.
What is Insight.
One by one, Professor Goldstein tries each key on the key chain until she finds the one that opens the locked filing cabinet. Identify the problem-solving technique.
What is Trial & Error.
Describe the capacity (amount and duration) of STM & the psychologist who conducted the research.
What is 7 items plus/minus 2; 20 seconds; George Miller
Which term describes a phenomenon in which a given mood tends to evoke memories that are consistent with that mood.
What is mood congruence.
What term describes forgetting or misremembering the true source of a memory.
What is Source Confusion.
Laura is trying to construct a house out of LEGO building blocks. She tries blocks of different shapes until she finds one that fits. Identify the problem-solving technique.
What is Algorithm.
Jacob decided to rent an apartment at the complex that was closest to his college campus. Which decision-making model did he utilize?
What is Single-feature model.
Describe the 2 types of explicit memory.
What is Semantic memory & Episodic memory.
Which term describes units of information in LTM as being organized in a complex network of associations?
What is Semantic Network Model.
What term describes an organized cluster of information about a particular topic.
What is a Schema.
After seeing news reports about a teenager being killed in a freak accident on a roller coaster, Angela refuses to allow her son to go to an amusement park with his friends. What term best describes this problem solving process?
What is Availability Heuristic.
Jack, who works as a bank teller, is stunned when a well-dressed, elderly woman pulls out a gun and tells him to hand over all the money in his cash drawer. Which problem solving method describes why he is 'stunned'?
What is Representativeness Heuristic.
Describe the 3 major components of the Baddeley Model of Working Memory.
What is Phonological Loop – the aspect of memory that is specialized for verbal material such as lists of numbers or words. Visuospatial sketchpad – the aspect of memory that is specialized for spatial or visual material, such as remembering the layout of a room or city. Central executive – the aspect of memory that controls attention, integrates information, and manages the activities of the other 2
Please describe the difference between the encoding specificity principle vs. the context effect.
What is Encoding Specificity Principle - the principle that when the conditions of information retrieval are similar to the conditions of information coding, retrieval is more likely to be successful Context effect - the tendency to recover information more easily when the retrieval occurs in the same setting as the original learning of the info.
Which term describes when erroneous information received after an event leads to distorted or false memories of the event.
What is Misinformation effect.
Please describe the 2 stages of intuition.
What is Guiding stage – You unconsciously consider a pattern based on the information and your past experiences. Integrative stage – You develop a conscious analytical thought and form a hunch/hypothesis.
Please describe 2 human obstacles to problem solving.
What is Functional fixedness - describes the tendency to view objects as functioning only in their usual/customary way. Mental set - describes the tendency to persist in solving problems with solutions that have worked in the past.
Describe what is needed for information to travel from sensory memory to STM to LTM.
What is Attention to move information from sensory to STM & Elaborative rehearsal to move information from STM to LTM.
Describe the Serial position effect and the two other terms associated with it.
What is the tendency to remember items at the beginning and end of a list better than items in the middle. Primacy effect Recency effect
Which term describes false or distorted memories caused by the tendency to fill in missing memory details with information that is consistent with existing knowledge about a topic.
What is Schema distortion.
Please describe the 3 heuristic strategies to problem solving.
What are subgoals, working backwards, and flexibility.
Please describe the 3 models of decision-making.
What are The single-feature model, the additive model, and the elimination by aspects model.