How did early theorists think of children in society? (any key point will do)
Education was important, but children were not - Ancient Greece and Rome practised infanticide. Then, the Catholic Church in the medieval and Renaissance periods saw children as pure and innocent beings.
What is the difference between continuous and discontinuous theories?
Continuous theories say change is smooth and constant, and discontinuous say it is broken into distinct stages.
Name one of Erikson's developmental stages
One of: Trust vs Mistrust, Autonomy vs Shame, Initiative vs Guilt, Industry vs Inferiority, Identity vs Role Confusion, Intimacy vs Isolation, Generativity vs Stagnation, Ego Integrity vs Despair
Which is better - a cheetah or a sloth?
Ummm...a SLOTH. Cheetahs never win.
Name 2 of the 7 theories of development discussed in class.
Name EITHER the founder of Classical Conditioning orOperant Conditioning. Double points if you name both.
Pavlov - Classical. Skinner - Operant
Who was responsible for the theory which discusses the importance of scaffolding, and working with a child in the zone of proximal development (ZPD)?
Lev Vygotsky
Who founded Behaviourism, which says that development results from conditioning and learning?
John B. Watson
What is the difference between assimilation and accommodation?
Assimilation is when we use schemes to make sense of events or experiences, and accommodation means changing a scheme we have based on new information coming in.
Name a humanistic theorist
Abraham Maslow (Hierarchy of Needs)
Carl Rogers (Personal Growth Theory, becoming fully functioning).
What did Bandura discover with his Bobo doll experiments?
That children LEARN to interact aggressively from seeing others behave aggressively. It's not inborn to do so.
Who was the first to focus on biology and maturation, and produced age-related norms for development?
Arnold Gesell
What the heck is reciprocal determinism?
The idea that we are influenced by our environments, but that our environments are also influenced by us.
What are the four directions life stages?
Spring (child-spirit), Summer (youth-body),Autumn (adult-heart), Winter (elder-mind)
What was Bronfenbrenner's biggest contribution to psychology?
Bioecological Systems Theory
The brain goes through synaptogenesis - a time when LOTS of connections are being formed rapidly. What is it called when the unused connections 'die off'?
Pruning. It happens around the age of 2, with another burst of it in adolescence.
Who developed the theory of psychosexual development which stated that we are born with innate energy that interacts with our environment during our development?
Sigmund Freud
What is a teratogen?
Something which causes abnormal development in a fetus (street drugs, prescription drugs, chemicals, diseases, natural teratogens)
What is the most sensitive prenatal stage of development?
2-8 weeks- nervous system and brain development
Name and describe one of the newborn reflexes
Palmar, stepping, moro, rooting
If your whole team stands up in a dance party, you get the points. WHOLE team.