A Diagnosis!
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Psych Disorders
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Social Psych
Social Dissonancing?

Categorizes mental disorders and their symptoms

What is the DSM-V?


The psychological disturbances marked by constant and irrational state of tension, worry, autonomic nervous system activation

What is generalized anxiety disorder?

This is characterized by a long-lasting low mood that interferes with the ability to function, feel pleasure, or maintain interest in life.
What is Major Depressive Disorder?

A type of therapy in which the therapist aims to remove distressing symptoms by leading the person to understand the psychological causes of his or her symptoms through deeply felt personal insights.

What is insight-oriented therapy?

CBT stands for
What is cognitive behavioral therapy?

The ways that people perceive, attend to, store, make inferences about, remember, and use information and feelings about other people and the social world.

What is social cognition?


The strong tendency to interpret other people’s behavior as arising from internal causes rather than external ones;

What is fundamental attributional error?


A mental condition characterized by cognitive, emotional, and behavioral symptoms that: create significant distress; impair a person’s work, school, family, relationships, or daily living; or lead to significant risk of harm

What is psychological disorder?


If your thoughts make you extremely nervous and compel you to rigidly repeat certain actions or routines, you would most likely have an ____

What is obsessive-compulsive disorder?

This is characterized by a general loss of contact with reality, including hallucinations and delusions.
What is schizophrenia?

The type of MODERN therapy, involving face-to-face interactions, that focuses on the importance of the unconscious mind, extensive interpretation by the therapist, and the role of early childhood experiences in development of individual's problems.

What is psychodynamic?


Exposure therapy and systematic desensitization are two types of ________ therapy

What is behavioral therapy?


These are the 3 ABC components of attitudes

What are affect, behavior, and cognitions?


When a mentality  becomes increasingly extreme among people who interact without outside moderating influences from people with opposing viewpoints

What is group polarization?


A severely impaired ability to perceive and comprehend events accurately, combined with grossly disorganized behavior.

What is psychosis?


An eating disorder characterized by recurrent episodes of binge eating, followed by attempts to prevent weight gain.

What is bulimia nervosa?

This involves a lack of empathy as well as violating or disregarding the rights of others
What is antisocial personality disorder?

The three classes of drug therapies include antianxiety, __________, and ___________.

What are antipsychotics and antidepressants?


The belief that humans have personal freedom to make choices and that they are responsible for the choices they make characterizes the ________ approach to therapy.

What is humanistic?


Tendency to comply with a large request if one has previously complied with a small request

What is foot-in-the-door phenomenon?


An attitude (generally negative) toward members of a group.

What is prejudice?


An explanation for how psychological disorders develop, in which a predisposition to a given disorder (diathesis) and specific factors (stress) combine to trigger the onset of the disorder.

What is diathesis-stress model?


The social withdrawal and haunting nightmares of battle-scarred war veterans best illustrate symptoms of

What is PTSD?

This is characterized by a sudden period of extreme fear, high autonomic arousal and physiological symptoms such as rapid heart-beat, without a specific trigger.
What is panic disorder?

Two forms of non-medical biological treatment

What are ECT and TMS?


They type of therapy rests on the premises that (1) automatic irrational thoughts are the root cause of psychological problems, and that (2) recognizing their irrationality and adopting more realistic, rational thoughts reduces psychological problems.

What is cognitive therapy?


In making wedding preparations, Jason conforms to the expectations of his future bride's family simply to win their favor. His behavior illustrates the importance of __________ social influence.

What is normative social influence?


Professor Stewart wrote a very positive letter of recommendation for a student despite having doubts about her competence. Which theory best explains why he subsequently began to develop more favorable attitudes about the student's abilities?

What is cognitive dissonance?

This is a major criticism of the DSM5

What is it overrelies on the medical model, leads to unfair stigmatizing those with mental disorders, previously 'normal' behaviors are now considered abnormal, overlap in criteria for several disorders?


A set of mood disorders characterized either by one or more episodes of mania, or by alternating episodes of hypomania and depression.

What is bipolar disorder?

This disorder is characterized by fear and avoidance of an object or situation that is extreme enough to interfere with everyday life
What is a phobia?
The type of therapy emphasizes that people are often disturbed because of their negative interpretations of events and how to change those thoughts
What is cognitive therapy?

A form of therapy that has as its goal to increase flexibility though mindfulness, acceptance of what is, and committed action based on values.

What is ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy)?


The social phenomenon Asch was studying when he asked participants to judge which comparison line matched the original line.

What is conformity?


Who constructed this research project? It involved a teacher/participant presenting a word to the learner/confederate and shocking the person if their response in incorrect. Most of the teachers/participants went up to at least 150 volts and 62% went all the way up to 450 volts.

Who is Stanley Milgrim?
