A typical or common example of a certain person or thing.
What is an archetype?
the hero’s starting point before their adventure begins. This is where we see their everyday life, relationships, and struggles.
What is the normal world
A series of ordeals, hardships, and tasks the hero figure must endure and survive to move forward toward the end goal. *Belly of Whale, Goddess, Temptation.
What is tests, allies, enemies?
In this step the hero decides whether to stay in the special world or go back to the ordinary world.
What is the road back home?
This brave character embarks on a transformative journey, faces trials, and ultimately overcomes great challenges to achieve their goal.
What is a hero?
American writer, professor of literature, & mythologist. He is famous for his book "The Hero with A Thousand Faces", which introduced the concept of the hero’s journey cycle.
Who is Joseph Campbell?
The hero is faced with leaving his/her ordinary world (Separation) with a problem or challenge to be overcome.
What is the call to adventure?
A moment of nervous contemplation before the massive Ordeal the hero must face.
What is approaching the innermost cave?
The hero and companion start on the road back. This stage often shows inner turmoil/difficult decisions the hero must make to reconcile with their past and fully embrace their heroic destiny to become "at one" with themselves.
What is resurrection/atonement?
This character posseses wisdom and knowledge, serves as a guide, and offers insight and advice to those seeking the truth.
What is a Sage?
Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst. He proposed and developed the concepts of the collective unconscious and archetypes in his influential work in psychology and religion.
Who is Carl Jung?
A step in the hero's journey where the hero doesn’t want to go on the adventure.
What is refusal of the call?
The point in the story that takes the protagonist to the depths of despair. This step represents the hero’s greatest challenge, confrontation, or crisis up to that point.
What is the ordeal?
At this point, the hero has come full circle, and the major conflict at the beginning of the journey is finally resolved. In the return home, the hero has now resumed life in his/her original world
What is return with the elixir?
Driven by passion, connection, and deep emotions, this character prioritizes relationships and seeks unity above all else.
What is a lover?
A storytelling framework that describes a universal pattern found in myths, legends, and stories across different cultures and time periods.
What is a monomyth?
The hero is given support by a more powerful figure – a mentor of sorts, often one with supernatural abilities.
What is meeting the mentor?
The hero receives a reward for facing and overcoming the ordeal.
What is seize the reward?
The hero’s journey is only complete when they integrate their transformation into their old world, achieving balance between past and present in this final step.
What is Mastery of Both Worlds?
This rebellious character challenges the status quo, breaks rules, and disrupts systems in pursuit of freedom or justice.
What is an outlaw?
A portion of our mind that is common to all people and derived from ancestral memory and experiences.
What is the collective unconscious
The hero figure begins his/her quest, leaving the known world for the unknown; this step moves the hero from Separation to Initiation.
What is crossing the threshold?
The unfamiliar realm where the hero faces challenges, learns new rules, and undergoes transformation.
What is the unknown, the special, or extroidinary world?
This final gift—whether knowledge, an object, or personal growth—is what the hero brings back to share with their world.
What is the Elixir?
A master of transformation, this figure wields knowledge, power, or supernatural abilities to alter reality and create change.
What is a magician?